ADVANCES IN BALLISTIC MISSILE AND SPACE TECHNOLOGY (three volumes) by Morrow, C. T., D. P. LeGalley, and L. D. Ely (eds) reviewed by Frederick I. Ordway III

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by Morrow, C. T., D. P. LeGalley, and L. D. Ely (eds)

New York, 1961: Pergamon Press, Inc., 1,200 pages, $45.00 (Volume 1 for private distribution only; Volume 2, 502 pages; Volume 3, 462 pages)

The first volume contains introductory and invited papers covering such topics as the foundation for space age achievements, a survey of the US position in space, exploring the Moon and planets, astrophysical research in space, human factors in space exploration, and development paths to an effective space capability. Volume 2 deals with propulsion, auxiliary power systems, preliminary design, aerodynamics and structures, reentry and hypersonics; and Volume 3 considers instrumentation, control, guidance, trajectories, computers, reliability, space communications, man in space, and space experiments.

Extracted from the 1962 Publication Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology with an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961. by Frederick I. Ordway III