BALLISTICS OF THE FUTURE by Kooy, J. M. J. and J. W. H. Uytenbogaart reviewed by Frederick I. Ordway III

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by Kooy, J. M. J. and J. W. H. Uytenbogaart

Haarlem (Netherlands), 1946: N. V. de Technische Vitgeverij H. Stam, 472 pages, $20.50

One of earliest post-war books on rocketry, it includes information on the German V1 and V2 bombardment missiles, and treats vector calculus applied to general dynamics, dynamics of the solid, equations of a connected system, numerical integration, general theory of a gravitating spinning top, terrestrial dynamics of rockets, etc. The book includes interesting material on the operational use of the V2 and on the extraterrestrial aspects of rocketry.

Extracted from the 1962 Publication Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology with an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961. by Frederick I. Ordway III