HUMAN FACTORS IN JET AND I SPACE TRAVEL by Sells, S. B. and C. A. Berry (eds) reviewed by Frederick I. Ordway III

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by Sells, S. B. and C. A. Berry (eds)

New York, 1961: Ronald Press Co., 386 pages, $12.00

There are 14 major sections in the book prepared by authorities in the aviation and space medical fields: "Medical Aspects of Jet and Space Travel," "The Natural Environment and the Environment of Flight," "Radiobiology and the Environment of Flight," "Basic Aspects of Skilled Performance," "Human Operator Performance under Non-Normal Environmental Operating Conditions," "Group Behavior Problems in Flight," "Human Qualifications and the Reactions to Jet Flight," "Human Requirements for Space Travel," "Preventive Medicine in Jet and Space Flight," "Aircraft Accidents and Flight Safety," "Human Factors Related to Jet Aircraft," "The Engineered Environment of the Space Vehicle," "Operational Aspects of Space Flight," and "Speculations on Space and Human Destiny."

Extracted from the 1962 Publication Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology with an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961. by Frederick I. Ordway III