December 1938

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Part 2 of Simultaneous Worlds a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society founder Nathaniel Schachner appears in Astounding Science Fiction magazine.

In the December issue of the Bulletin of the BIS Arthur C. Clarke explains the upcoming issue of JBIS will contain the report of the BIS Technical Committee and their design for a lunar spacecraft. He states, "We have been working under, at times, almost insuperable difficulties with regard to tools, equipment and time." In the same issue of the Bulletin the membership expressed their gratitude to Clarke for his work on the Bulletin despite the protestations of BIS founder Philip Cleator.

Maurice K. Hanson of the British Interplanetary Society publishes issue #28 of Novae Terrae magazine in London England. William F. Temple and Arthur C. Clarke are associate editors. Cover art by Harry Turner.