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Displaying 121—130 of 1000 matches for query "Robert_Heinlein" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "robert" found 4169 times in 2675 documents
  • "heinlein" found 35 times in 22 documents

... using Canadian technology. 100 Years of Aerospace History in Canada: From McCurdy to Hadfield by Robert Godwin Back to the start Footnotes i ...
Media:1965-09 Orbital Launch Facility 19650024832.pdf Orbital Launch Facility by Robert Croft Sept 1965 Category:Publications
File:100years.mp4 Vignettes of Canadian Aerospace History by Robert Godwin (2014)
File:69-03-13_Apollo_9_PC.mp4 Category:Audio Category:Apollo 9 Audio
File:69-07-02_Ed_Smylie.mp4 Category:Audio
File:69-07-24-Gilruth.wav.mp4 Category:Audio
On May 18th 1969 NASA launched the last in a series of daring test flights of the Apollo hardware. Apollo 10 would follow swiftly on the heels of the successful flight of Apollo 9 . The goal was to send a second crew into deep space but this time with the fully equipped hardware that would be required for a lunar landing. Veteran astronauts Commander Tom Stafford and Lunar Module Pilot ...
Also included in this historic package is a CD-ROM which features almost 1400 pictures taken during the flight. An hour of video and three unique and exclusive hi-resolution Quicktime panoramas of Tranquillity Base never seen before. And as a special bonus a foreword by Dr Buzz Aldrin . Since the first glimmerings of intellect on planet Earth the moon's quicksilver light has beckoned. In July ...
Since the historic flight of Apollo 11 space historians and enthusiasts around the world have wondered what it was like to be aboard Eagle and Columbia. Apollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports Volume 2 features reports declassified especially for this book, reports which have finally been released to the public. After the initial flurry of Press activity in 1969, the crew of Apollo 11 returned ...
On July 24th 1969 the crew of the historic first manned mission to the moon and their spacecraft Columbia arrived on the deck of the U.S.S. Hornet . The flight of Apollo 11 had been an unqualified triumph. The goals laid out by President John F. Kennedy had been attained. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had walked on the dusty plains of the Sea of Tranquillity and had returned ...

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