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Displaying 11—20 of 1000 matches for query "Earth" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "earth" found 21084 times in 7977 documents

... , field medical equipment and techniques, science data and specimen gathering and processing, equipment maintenance, off-Earth societal and residential infrastructures, and education, cultural, and religious support. There are assured more than ... , 21). The second type of radiation is peculiar to spacecraft in low Earth orbit. The remaining types dominate above low Earth orbit, even out to the planets and beyond. All types of ...
... a neoclassical astropolitical dictum to guide our way: "Who controls low-Earth orbit controls near Earth space. Who controls near-Earth space dominates terra. Who dominates terra determines the destiny of humankind." Dolman ... our solar system. '''Asteroids and comets of our solar system. '''There is extensive evidence on Earth, Earth's moon, Mercury and Mars of major collisions in the past, and many recent observations ...
... . It becomes much like multi-cellular organisms, with cell differentiation and distributed tasks. Image:Beyond_Earth_Fig_13.2.jpg 400 px ''Fig. 13.2: Bacterial Engineering Creativity '' Patterns of the ... Metaphor? Cambridge University Press ''' Eshel Ben-Jacob About the Author ''' Extracted from the book ''Beyond Earth - The Future of Humans in Space'' edited by Bob Krone ©2006 Apogee Books ISBN 978 ...
... cognitive steps for humankind. Animistic, polytheistic religions were among the earliest belief systems. Early on, Earth, air, fire and water were considered major powers, and these were soon joined by deities ... , humankind developed the science of astronomy. Observations of the heavens and aspects of life on Earth led to specific spiritual ideas. Goddess-centered worship was among the earliest, one that continues ...
... command and control for lunar exploration could go as follows: 1) Earth-based control of multiple reconnaissance robots 2) Earth-based control of teams of infrastructure-building robots 3) Astronauts arrive and ... aspect is easily seen. For example, some mission scenarios—especially the human missions beyond low Earth orbit (LEO)—demand safety considerations that will require investment in technology. Against this process, Tables ...
... , commercial vehicle for taking ordinary citizens to sub-orbital space and safely landed back on earth. Subsequently, SpaceshipOne's financial backers have promised to develop and promote routine space tourism in ... continued research and development in the theoretical front, mankind will ultimately succeed in living beyond earth and ferrying into the cosmos with safety '''References''' Perrow, C. Normal Accidents; Living with High ...
... Hohman Transfer Oasis in the Hohman transfer orbit crossing the orbits of Earth and Mars, where personnel in transit between Earth and Mars may live safely on the several-month journey. Oases ... will allow researchers to work with very dangerous biotechnologies without any possibility of endangering the Earth. Microgravity stations will also allow burn victims to heal without touching their bedding. The dangerous ... store it in a tank that can be delivered to a robotic Earth-return spacecraft. What are the five Earth-orbit crossing asteroids larger than 100 meters diameter easiest to approach and ...
... to the moon, to live and to work, and thereby establish human civilization permanently beyond Earth. We will colonize Mars, and perhaps asteroids and other planets as well, and extend our ... dimensions of the unknown, an unparalleled opportunity to learn about science, about technology, about the Earth, and about ourselves. For in space we can learn things about all of these dimensions ... en route to the moon. ''' Langdon Morris About the Author ''' Extracted from the book ''Beyond Earth - The Future of Humans in Space'' edited by Bob Krone ©2006 Apogee Books ISBN 978 ...
... early responses to the existence of the frontier were centrifugal, divisively separating humanity according to Earth-based national identities, rather than centripetal, i.e., drawing humanity together as a single species ... are now creating a "planetary overview system" that includes the human species, the biosphere of Earth, and the global technology infrastructure, we will eventually be part of a universal overview system ...
... metalaw regime transitioning the broad sociopolitical, economic, and military relationships between and among humans on Earth (i.e., Earthkind) and those having been altered to possess significantly different biocultural survival characteristics ... needs, temporal and spiritual, to humankind...including human biorobotics? ''Homo alterios spatialis''? In many respects, Earth's current civilizations do not seem quite ready to recognize the technologically and human bioevolutionary ...

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