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Displaying 11—20 of 391 matches for query "RANGER_IX" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "ranger" found 462 times in 222 documents
  • "ix" found 339 times in 198 documents

... air to ground Gemini Titan 3 Media:GT03_TE3.PDF Gemini Titan 3 transcript supplemental RANGER IX underwent a midcourse correction maneuver at 7:03 a.m. EST that would aim the ... -sec. burn of a small jet engine, speeded up its flight by 40.6 mph, RANGER IX was then 175,416 mi. from earth, traveling at 2,943 mph. Newly estimated impact ... target point of 13° south latitude and 2,5° west longitude, Before the correction maneuver, RANGER IX was headed for a point about 400 mi. north of Alphonsus. Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL ...
... NASA's space missions were the real-time reception of close-up lunar photographs by RANGER IX , first U.S. extravehicular activity by GEMINI IV Astronaut White, man's first close look ... data for Apollo on reentry from simulated lunar trajectory, In lunar and planetary achievement, RANGERS VIII and IX provided more than 13,000 lunar surface photographs and brought that project to a ... stepped up its interplanetary research with PIONEER VI , first of four projected interplanetary satellites, TIROS IX became the first weather satellite to provide close to 100% coverage of the earth daily ...
... President Johnson and the Cabinet on both the two-man GT-3 flight and the RANGER IX photographic mission, Mr. Webb made these points: "The most significant accomplishment of the GT-3 ... that at least two spots, and perhaps three, when we look more carefully at the RANGER IX pictures, are at least smooth enough for the Lunar Excursion Module LEM manned moon landing ... , NYT, 3/26/65)'' Tass reported that the Soviet Union was making extensive use of RANGER VII photographs presented to the Pulkovo Observatory: "Prof. Alexander Markov who supervised the study of ...
... efforts, Harris M. Schurmeier received an Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for his direction of the Ranger program, President Johnson said: "A sense of history is present strongly here today. All of ... display a quarter-scale model of the GT-3 spacecraft, a full-scale model of RANGER IX along with some of the photos it took, and a model of MARINER IV Mars ... 65-100)'' It was announced that the special magnetic actuator which worked shutters on RANGERS VII, and IX that photographed the moon, and on all nine Tiros weather satellites would be granted ...
... speaker in the President's Lecture Series that the Ranger program had cost a total of about $200 million, He estimated that each Ranger shot had cost just under $30 million and ... have been foolish to settle for one success: "Just imagine that the Martians sent a Ranger-like camera to take pictures of the earth, With just one shot, they'd end ... of these?" The Ranger program, just concluded with the success of RANGER IX , gave U.S. scientists good pictures of three different areas of the moon, Shoemaker said, "A Ranger picture is worth a ...
... BM 7094, thereby bypassing kinescope response that had contributed to distortion of published Ranger pictures. Calibration data obtained before Ranger flight were used to remove noise and distortion which brought "a dramatic ... and Rockets, William Coughlin suggested a "useful mission" for which RANGER IX might be adapted : "Our unsolicited proposal to NASA is that Ranger be employed to return to Earth photographs of Earth from ...
... successfully developed space technology for improved communications and weather reporting and forecasting systems. The Ranger program, completed with Ranger IX , provided 17,000 closeup pictures of the moon that have not only given ...
... carried on five manned missions. “The list of US. space firsts was extended during 1965. Ranger IX took the first close-up pictures of the floor of a lunar crater. For the ... as it will be observed by TOS was provided by Television Infrared Observation Satellite TIROS IX early in the year. In the Gemini program excellent pictures were obtained of the terrain ...
... in space exploration-U.S.S.R.'s VOSKHOD II , U.S.'s GEMINI III , RANGER IX , ComSatCorp 's EARLY BIRD , "The first Sputnik was less than eight years ago, but already ...
... , but I'm not sure. There may have been another. How many Rangers were there? '''Dinkel:''' I've got Ranger 9, 7, 8, and 9. '''Cortright:''' There were nine. Seven, eight, and ... we agreed to have parallel programs, and Mariner started early on. That was similar to Ranger in many of its concepts, and the first one that worked. The first interplanetary mission ... . Our time is your time. In June of '66, right after the flight of Gemini IX, Deputy Administrator Robert Seamans didn't like the way the mission went and the results ...

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