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Displaying 11—20 of 122 matches for query "Saturn_IB/Centaur" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "saturn" found 3342 times in 1515 documents
  • "ib" found 340 times in 258 documents
  • "centaur" found 789 times in 423 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

... flight was further qualification of the Saturn I launch vehicle and continued development of technology necessary to build the more powerful Saturn IB and V launch vehicles. ''(Marshall Star, ... , 10)'' NASA signed $237 million contract with General Dynamics/Astronautics for development of Centaur launch vehicle stages. The contract, a confirmation of letter contract issued January 1963, ...
... savings over three-stage Saturn V. Two-stage version was called "Intermediate 20." With Centaur 3rd stage, ve­hicle could send about 15,000 lb to Jupiter or Saturn. MSFC also had signed $22,826,736 contract modification with North American Rockwell Corp.'s Rocketdyne Div. for continued production support of J-2 engines used on Saturn IB and Saturn V ...
... Manned Space Flight, said in Space Business Daily interview that use of Centaur as a third stage for Saturn IB launch vehicle was now a "matter of study with a serious approach to ... Excursion Module (STEM) for establishment of lunar bases. Dr. Mueller also disclosed that payload for Saturn SA-10 flight had been changed from an Apollo boilerplate to a micrometeoroid detection satellite ... speed of 4 rpm. Lifetime would be from one to five years. Saturn V could launch it into orbit and Saturn IB would launch logistics vehicles. ''(M&R, 4/20/64, 22)'' The ...
... and the Saturn launch vehicles. There were static firings of engines for the various Saturn IB and Saturn V stages, highlighted by full-duration firing of all three Saturn V stages, Saturn I program ... than 13,000 lunar surface photographs and brought that project to a close. Atlas-Centaur AC-6 launched a dummy Surveyor on a simulated lunar transfer orbit and proved ...
... 580.677 million below FY 1968 ''(CR, H3458-502)'' ESRO successfully launched first two-stage Centaure rocket fired from Italy at Perdasdefogu, Sardinia, carrying Max Planck Institute ''(Lan­dau, Germany)'' ... scien­tific experiments." Features and operating modes of Saturn V work­shop, to follow, would be based on information gained from Saturn IB workshop. ''(Text)'' May 1968 May May 1 1968 ...
... successfully launched. Similarly, we will have a single back-up Command and Service Module- Saturn IB capability for the three manned visits to the workshop" Capability was built into program ... on past experience. Launch vehicles for automated missions-such as Scout, Delta, and Atlas- Centaur -were "complex systems without much redundancy, and cannot be expected to achieve reliabilities much ...
The Skylab 4 launch crew successfully completed a simulated launch of the Saturn IB booster at Kennedy Space Center . The booster was scheduled to lift the Apollo command and ... a parking orbit from Eastern Test Range at 12:45 am EST by an Atlas-Centaur Dl-A launch vehicle. After a 25-min coast, a 130-sec burn of the Centaur engines injected the spacecraft into a heliocentric orbit that would allow Mariner 10 to pass ...
... the lunar landing. By 1969, we will have the capability to launch 6 Saturn-IB 's and 6 Saturn V 's per year. In the unmanned area, we have begun planning for a ... and design necessary for effective extension of present Apollo and Saturn capabilities for manned flight; integration of the Centaur stage with the Saturn launch vehicle for planetary and other unmanned payloads; initiation of ...
... operation systems. Saturn IB launch vehicle 2nd-stage engine was being modified to strengthen propellant feed lines to augmented spark igniter. Apollo/Saturn 503 mission might be first manned Saturn V flight ... $1,358,728 incentive contract to design and construct prototype airborne computer unit for Centaur launch vehicle. NASA would have option to purchase five additional units, support equipment, ...
... Centaur. ''(WSJ, 4/28/65)'' NASA Marshall Space Flight Center announced $40 million modification to contract held by General Electric Co. for the design of electrical equipment for Saturn Vehicle launch support. Modification would cover the design portion of the work involved in providing electrical support equipment for Saturn IB and Saturn V launches. ''( ...

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