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Displaying 11—20 of 216 matches for query "Weltraum_Fahrt_Jahrgang_1953" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "weltraum" found 67 times in 29 documents
  • "fahrt" found 36 times in 18 documents
  • "jahrgang" found 8 times in 5 documents
  • "1953" found 702 times in 221 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

Media:1953-04 RMI Rocket.pdf Reaction Motors' RMI Rocket April 1953
Fiscal year 1953, just concluded was first year that the United States spent as much as $1 million on strategic ballistic missile development.
... was collected by overflights of the cosmodromes by American and British pilots during the period 1953 to 1960. Although western intelligence agencies were primarily interested in the missile programme, they acquired ...
January 14-16: USAF scientific advisory panel concluded that unidentified flying objects (UFO's) : (1) held no direct physical threat ; (2) were not foreign developments ; (3) were not unknown phenomena requiring revision of current scientific concepts; and (4) a rash of sightings offered a threat from skillful hostile propagandists.
First flight test of a complete airplane model designed by "area rule" concepts propelled to supersonic speeds by rocket boosters, at Langley Wallops Island, Va.
Chance Vought delivered last propellor-driven fighter, the Navy F4U Corsair, the 12,571st built since first one flew in 1940.
First full guidance flight of Navy Sparrow III missile at Naval Air Missile Test Center.
February 19-26: Six Moby Dick balloon flights to study high-altitude winds flown from Vernalles NAS. Calif., by USAF Cambridge Research Center, each capsule also containing fruit flies.
First powered flight of the Bell X-1A research airplane was completed, Jean Ziegler as pilot.
Dorothy M. Simon, aeronautical research scientist with Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory , was recipient of 1952 Rockefeller Public Service Award "for the effective application of the physics and chemistry of combustion to flight research."

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