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Displaying 21—30 of 216 matches for query "Weltraum_Fahrt_Jahrgang_1953" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "weltraum" found 67 times in 29 documents
  • "fahrt" found 36 times in 18 documents
  • "jahrgang" found 8 times in 5 documents
  • "1953" found 702 times in 221 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

U.S. National Committee for the International Geophysical year IGY established by the National Academy of Sciences. Rocket test stand capable of testing engines to 400,000 pounds of thrust activated at AF Flight Test Center (AFFTC). J-57 engine with a thrust of 10,000 pounds placed into production (1941 Whittle turbojet engine had 850 pounds thrust). American Medical Association authorized ...
Single-stage, air-launched rocket research vehicle exceeded Mach 5 in National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Lewis Laboratory flight test.
Navy XF2Y-1 Sea Dart, an experimental delta-wing jet seaplane with hydroskis, made first flight at San Diego.
First launching of a cluster of three Deacon rockets as a booster at National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA 's Wallops Island.
First Bell X-2 exploded during a captive flight killing Jean Ziegler, Bell test pilot, over Lake Ontario near Buffalo, N.Y.
Jacqueline Cochran became first woman to fly faster than the speed of sound, in a F-86.
USAF North American YF-100A. made its first flight at Edwards AFB , the first service supersonic fighter.
Missile fired from the underground launching installation constructed by the Army Corps of Engineers, at White Sands Proving Ground WSPG .
Department of Defense Study Group on Guided Missiles established by the Armed Forces Policy Council under Secretary of Defense C. E. Wilson. This group made a technical evaluation of the missile programs of the military services. One of their recommendations was that a special evaluation of all Air Force strategic missiles be made. In the fall the Strategic Missiles Evaluation Committee, headed ...
Department of Defense Reorganization Plan No. 6, transmitted by President Eisenhower to Congress under the Reorganization Act of 1949, abolished the Research and Development Board, the Munitions Board, the Defense Management Agency, and the Office of Director of Installations.

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