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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Command_Module" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "command" found 5943 times in 2846 documents
  • "modul" found 5171 times in 1978 documents

Image:ISS3r.jpg Image:ISSPAGE 25 FGBs.2k.jpg Category:International Space Station
Image:MPLM.jpg 800 px Category:International Space Station
Image:ISSMRM2.jpg 800 px Category:International Space Station
On the outside the temperature ranges from -170° F on the shady side to 135° F on the sunny side. But on the inside the crew compartment is controlled to a temperature range of 65° to 80° F, and the humidity is regulated to a range of 30 to 75 percent. (Ref. 1) Ref 1.NASA, National Space Transportation System Reference, Volume 1 Systems and Facilities, June 1988. This document is ...
Image:GDBSM131206.jpg Image:GDBSM131218.jpg Image:GDBSM131220.jpg Image:GDBSM131232.jpg Image:GDBSM131235.jpg Image:GDBSM131242.jpg Image:GDBSM131244.jpg Image:GDBSM131321.jpg Image:GDBSM131337.jpg Image:GDBSM131344.jpg Image:GDBSM131352.jpg Image:GDBSM131401.jpg Image:GDBSM131436.jpg Image:GDBSM131522.jpg Image:GDBSM131536.jpg Image:GDBSM131556.jpg Image:GDBSM131600.jpg Image: ...
Image:Training.jpg 200px Crew Training Report May 15 1969, Armstrong Aldrin, Pogue (above) ---- Media:Maury1.pdf LM5 G Mission Resets Report March 26 1969 Category:Publications
... these wires that were connected from the Lunar Module back to the Command/Service Module to use some of the Lunar Module power to power up the Command Module and then eventually put the entry batteries ... Earth orbit and you separate the Command Module from the Service Module and the Command/Service Module turn around and they come back, you have to dock with the Lunar Module in order to operate the ...
... leave the command service module up. The command service module for its orbital maneuvering has four separate reaction control systems. They're at 90 degrees apart around the service module part of the Command Service Module. After ... had to have a docking module to interface the two so we could change the environment in the docking module to match either the atmosphere in the command module or the one in the ...
... ’s see what the sequence was. They transferred to the command module. They did the command module activation. It worked perfectly. They jettisoned the service module. Saw the terrible damage and had time to snap ... up in front of the command module where the lunar module had been stored for the missions to the Moon, the solar physics module, called the ATM, Apollo telescope module, was stored instead, and surrounded ...
... the command and service module development and continued that in his assignments. When he came into the lunar module, when we were airborne on Apollo 13, after he had shut down the command module, that ... you still had the lunar module attached as you approached Earth and you had to get rid of it. Was there any concern that the lunar module and command module might collide as you ... as the commander behind John Young, with an initial crew assignment of Bill Pogue William R. Pogue as the command module pilot and Jerry Carr Gerald P. Carr as the lunar module pilot, I ...

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