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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Dec_28_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "dec" found 39547 times in 2694 documents
  • "28" found 33073 times in 13311 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

... through use by both the military services and NASA. ''NASA-Industry Program Plans Conference, July 28-29, 1960 (1960), p. 2.''
Media:1945-12-28 V4I50LARC1945.pdf Langley Air Scoop December 28 1945
By Executive Order, President Dwight D. Eisenhower transferred the Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL ), a government-owned facility staffed and operated by the California Institute of Technology, from Army to NASA jurisdiction. The new Jet Propulsion Laboratory JPL radio telescope at Camp Irwin, Calif., called the Goldstone Tracking Facility , was capable of ...
The third US-IGY space probe - the second under direction of NASA and with the Army as executive agent-was launched at 12:45 a.m., from AMR by Juno II rocket. The primary mission of PIONEER III , to place the scientific payload in the vicinity of the moon, was not accomplished although an altitude of 63,580 miles was achieved and it discovered that radiation belt was comprised of at least ...
The first meeting of the new NASA Inventions and Contributions Board was held to evaluate scientific or technical contributions and to recommend monetary awards.
First domestic jet airline passenger service, by National Airlines between New York and Miami.
December 12-16: SMALL WORLD balloon with four passengers failed in transatlantic attempt, lifting from Canary Islands and landing at sea northeast of Barbados.
U.N. General Assembly adopted resolution bringing into being an 18-member Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Squirrel monkey Gordo made 1,500-mile flight in nose cone of Army Jupiter missile Jupiter with no known adverse effects, but float mechanism failed and nose cone was not recovered.
Two Thor shots, one from Cape Canaveral and one from Vandenberg AFB , were successful. Intermediate range ballistic missile portion of PMR was inaugurated with successful tiring of USAF Thor from Vandenberg AFB . MATS C-133 Cargomaster lifted 117,900 pounds of cargo to 10,000 feet, a weight-lifting record, at Dover AFB, Del.
President Eisenhower's Christmas message beamed from PROJECT SCORE satellite in orbit, the first voice beamed in from space. BOLD ORION (WS-199) launched from B-58 Hustler traveling at about 1,100 mph over Cape Canaveral , Fla.

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