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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Dec_30_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "dec" found 39547 times in 2694 documents
  • "30" found 33726 times in 13147 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

December 12-16: SMALL WORLD balloon with four passengers failed in transatlantic attempt, lifting from Canary Islands and landing at sea northeast of Barbados.
U.N. General Assembly adopted resolution bringing into being an 18-member Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Squirrel monkey Gordo made 1,500-mile flight in nose cone of Army Jupiter missile Jupiter with no known adverse effects, but float mechanism failed and nose cone was not recovered.
Two Thor shots, one from Cape Canaveral and one from Vandenberg AFB , were successful. Intermediate range ballistic missile portion of PMR was inaugurated with successful tiring of USAF Thor from Vandenberg AFB . MATS C-133 Cargomaster lifted 117,900 pounds of cargo to 10,000 feet, a weight-lifting record, at Dover AFB, Del.
NASA awarded contract to Rocketdyne of North American to build single-chamber 1.5-million-pound-thrust rocket engine. The H-1 engine successfully completed its first full-power firing at North American Aviation NAA 's Rocketdyne facility in Canoga Park, Calif. Entire USAF Atlas missile Atlas boosted into orbit communications relay satellite, PROJECT SCORE or the "talking ...
President Eisenhower's Christmas message beamed from PROJECT SCORE satellite in orbit, the first voice beamed in from space. BOLD ORION (WS-199) launched from B-58 Hustler traveling at about 1,100 mph over Cape Canaveral , Fla.
White Sands Proving Ground announced missile range firing record: 2,000 "hot" firings in 1 year. First Titan test launch exploded on the pad at Cape Canaveral . New voice and teletype messages were received and rebroadcast on commaad by PROJECT SCORE satellite, and a series of experiments were continued in subsequent days.
First Atlas missile Atlas -C fired successfully at AMR.
Dr. Herbert F. York, Chief Scientist of Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA , was named as Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the Department of Defense by President Eisenhower.
Federal Council for Science and Technology to be headed by Dr. James R. Killian , Jr., was approved by President Eisenhower. PIONEER III data indicated that the earth is surrounded by two bands of radiation.
Plastic balloon flight No. 1,900 launched by the Balloon Branch of the Missile Development Center at Holloman AFB , a series beginning in July 1950.

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