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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Jul_29_1930" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "jul" found 39334 times in 1829 documents
  • "29" found 30746 times in 12547 documents
  • "1930" found 849 times in 237 documents

Media:1949-07-29 I30V08.pdf Langley Air Scoop Jul 29 1949
Media:Airscoop1944V3I32.pdf NACA LMAL Bulletin Vol 3 Issue 32 Jul 29 1944 First successful test of Pelican guided missile, two of four launched were hits against target ship 44 miles offshore from NAB New York.
July 29-August 26: Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh made survey flight to Japan in Sirius seaplane, via Alaska and Siberia.
Media:88-07-29.pdf Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)
Capt. A. H. Page (USMO) piloted an 02U from a sealed hooded cockpit on an instrument flight of near 1,000 miles from Omaha, Nebr., to Anacostla, via Chicago and Cleveland, with safety pilot Lt. V. M. Guymon landing the airplane.
Hermann Oberth and Verein fuer Raumschiffahrt VfR successfully tested liquid oxygen and gasoline-fueled rocket motor for 96.5 seconds In Germany. a demonstration made before the Director of the Chemisch-Technische Reichsanstalt to secure financial support. The engine had between 7 and 7.7kg of thrust and consumed 1kg of fuel and 6.6kg of oxygen.
The New York Herald Tribune runs article "Guggenheim Financial Aid For Goddard Rocket Study Gives New Hope to Man's Efforts to Conquer Gravity". The article is written by David Lasser of the American Interplanetary Society .
A silent film festival begins in London at the New Gallery featuring Frau Im Mond .
Max Valier improves the thrust of his liquid fuel rocket engine to 1,300gm.
Brig. Gen. William Mitchell led 17 bombers in "raid" over New York.

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