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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Jun_16_1947" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "jun" found 37293 times in 1854 documents
  • "16" found 34109 times in 13481 documents
  • "1947" found 844 times in 286 documents

Media:MR03_TEC.PDF Mercury Redstone 3 Post Launch Report and Transcript Jun 16 1961 Category:Publications
... RELEASE 16-063'' '''NASA’s Juno Spacecraft to Risk Jupiter’s Fireworks for Science''' On July 4, ... , built the spacecraft. The California Institute of Technology in Pasadena manages JPL for NASA. ''RELEASE 16-062'' '''NASA Awards Grants for University Research and Development Programs''' NASA is awarding approximately $8 ...
First AAF research balloon launch (a cluster of rubber balloons) at Holloman, by New York University team under contract with Air Material Command.
Princeton University started construction of 4,000-mph wind tunnel.
World speed record regained by United States when P-80R flown by Col. Albert Boyd attained 623.8 mph at Muroc, Calif.
In meeting at Wright-Patterson, AAF and National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA representatives agreed to divide responsibilities for Bell X-1 X-1 flight testing: AF exploit maximum performance in a few flights; National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA acquire detailed research information.
Sigismund von Braun, brother of Wernher von Braun is interrogated by Lt. Col. M.D. Seashore as part of an intelligence to secure German war secrets.
Johannes Thiry, Secretary of Arbeitsstab Dornberger At Bad Sachsa from March-April 1945, submits 60 pages entitled "Report On Last Developments And Projects In The Field Of Guided Missiles" to the U.S. intelligence authorities outlining in detail all of the advanced work being done or proposed by the Peenemunde rocket team during the last year of the war.
Physicist Martin Pomerantz announced at Swarthmore College that he had sent a flight of four free balloons, carrying cosmic ray equipment, to a record height of at least 127,000 feet. An extraordinary general meeting of the British Interplanetary Society to discuss fees. Max W. Wholey delivers paper entitled ''Conditions on the Surface of Mars'' at the meeting. The Yorkshire Post and Leeds ...
Helicopter flight made by Henry Berliner at College Park, Md. Lt. O. L Bissell (USAS) began a series of night cross-country flights between Bolling Field, D.C., and Langley Field, Va.

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