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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Jun_3_1939" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "jun" found 37293 times in 1854 documents
  • "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
  • "1939" found 574 times in 152 documents

Media:Airscoop1944V3I24.pdf NACA LMAL Bulletin Vol 3 Issue 24 Jun 3 1944
Media:1949-06-03 I22V08.pdf Langley Air Scoop Jun 3 1949
President Roosevelt signed the National Defense Act of 1940, authorizing 6.000 airplanes and increasing personnel of Army Air Corps to 3,203 officers and 45,000 enlisted men, and appropriating $300 million for the Air Corps.
September 3-4: RAF Bomber Command carried out first night propaganda raid, dropping leaflets over Hamburg, Bremen, and the Ruhr. On September 27, British Air Ministry announced that the RAF had dropped 18 million leaflets over Germany since the beginning of the war. When leaflet bombing was suspended on April 6, 1940, Bomber Command had dropped 65 million leaflets.
... about 250,000 in the SMC. The images include light ranging from 1,600 to 3,300 angstroms, which is a range of UV wavelengths largely blocked by Earth's atmosphere ...
... spacecraft is scheduled to depart the space station in early July, returning with more than 3,400 pounds of science, hardware and crew supplies. For more than 16 years, humans have ...
The BIS meets at the headquarters of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Ralph A. Smith is nominated as Chairman. Val Cleaver delivers a lecture on rocket aircraft.
The Manchester Astronautical Association meets at their HQ in Denton near Manchester. Trevor Cusack discussed the work of the BIS Technical Committee and Eric Burgess talked about photography and rockets.
The BIS meets at the Duke of York hotel in London and Ralph A. Smith introduces the membership to two years of work by the BIS Technical committee . The BIS lunar spacecraft. He also showed the new design for a proving stand that the committee had created.
USAF and National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA jointly announce details on the inertial guidance system to be used on the X-15 research aircraft, a flight instrument system to allow the pilot to prevent the aircraft twin reentering dense atmosphere too steeply or too shallow.

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