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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Mar_10_1947" retrieved in 0.007 sec with these stats:

  • "mar" found 48386 times in 4487 documents
  • "10" found 47166 times in 17591 documents
  • "1947" found 844 times in 286 documents

... 8 Mar 9 1989 9 Mar 10 1989 10 Mar 11 1989 11 Mar 12 1989 12 Mar 13 1989 13 Mar 14 1989 14 Mar 15 1989 15 Mar 16 1989 16 Mar 17 1989 17 Mar 18 1989 18 Mar 19 1989 19 Mar 20 ...
... Marks Major Milestone on NASA’s Journey to Mars''' NASA successfully tested the first deep space RS-25 rocket engine for 500 seconds March 10, clearing a major milestone toward the next ... . “We have exciting days ahead with a return to deep space and a journey to Mars, and this test is a very big step in that direction.” The hot fire marked ... (SLS), being built to carry humans on future deep-space missions, including an asteroid and Mars. Four RS-25 engines will help power the SLS core stage. The engines used on ...
First captive flight of X-15 (No. 1) under modified B-52 with A. Scott Crossfield in the cockpit ; additional captive flights were made on April 1, April 10, and May 21.
Air operations in the Antarctic known as Operation Highjump ended. From December 24. 1946, Navy PBM's and R4D's logged 650 hours in photographic mapping of 1,500,000 square miles of the interior and 5,560 miles of the coastline, the equivalent of about half the area of the United States and its entire coastline.
First four-engine jet bomber, the XB-45 built by North American, made first test flight at Muroc, Calif., with George Krebs as pilot. Its engines were arranged in pairs in single nacelles in each wing.
USN V-2 missile V-2 flight from White Sands Proving Ground WSPG took first photograph at 100-mile altitude.
The membership of the British Interplanetary Society is invited to a movie screening at the Science Museum in Kensington London by the Ministry of Supply and Ministry of Education. 186 members attend to see a German instructional film about the V-1 , a movie called ''Development of Rocket Flight'' and a Pathé newsreel showing high altitude photography from a captured V-2 .
Wernher von Braun is taken to H.Q. USFET for an interrogation by Dr. John H. Marchant of Brown University and Lt. Col. G.S. Edmund Tilley.
Hans Waas, the former general manager of PEENEMUNDE-WEST, is interrogated by Dr. Marchant and Lt Col Tilley. Waas helps them secure several boxes of paperwork missing from Peenemunde.
U.S. Patent Office issued patent on the Norden bombsight, which Carl L. Norden had applied for 17 years earlier.

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