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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Mar_20_1957" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "mar" found 48386 times in 4487 documents
  • "20" found 34824 times in 13630 documents
  • "1957" found 1054 times in 485 documents

... off Virginia Coast March 27''' NASA will test a parachute for possible future missions to Mars from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on Tuesday, March 27. Live coverage of ...
... . 167.'' H.R. 5916, introduced by Mr. Thomas and referred to Appropriations. Reported out March 20 (H. Rept. 238). Passed the House March 24. Reported out by Senate Appropriations April 18 ... 14. Senate agreed to conference report May 14. Became Public Law 86–30 on May 20, 1959. Appropriated $3,186,300 to NASA.
March 4-15: Navy nonrigid airship ZPB-2 completed nonstop round-trip Atlantic crossing, simultaneously establishing new world endurance record for unrefueled flight of 264 hours and 14 minutes, Comdr. J. R. Hunt commanding.
Ion engine research begun at National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Lewis Laboratory.
Speed record for a transcontinental passenger flight was established when a Boeing 707 jet transport, with 42 passengers and a crew of 10, flew 2,335 miles from Seattle to Washington in 3 hours and 48 minutes.
As a result of guidance from the Secretary of Defense as to desired level of effort, the Atomic Energy Commission reduced its program on nuclear rocket propulsion to a single laboratory effort, phasing out work at the University of California Radiation Laboratory and concentrating AEC development efforts at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
“Rocket Firing at Fort Churchill” in Macleans Magazine
Navy's first aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Langley, was commissioned at Norfolk, Va., a converted collier, ''Jupiter''.
Ballistic Missile Committee, Office of the Secretary of Defense, approved Navy program for development of solid-propellant, ship-based ballistic missiles.
G. Edward Pendray and his wife Lee Gregory Pendray sail to Europe aboard the ''Ile de France''. Their intention was to meet with all of Europe's major rocket experimenters.

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