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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Mar_25_1957" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "mar" found 48386 times in 4487 documents
  • "25" found 32857 times in 13147 documents
  • "1957" found 1054 times in 485 documents

Media:Airscoop1944V3I14.pdf NACA LMAL Bulletin Vol 3 Issue 14 Mar 25 1944
... is giving the public an opportunity to watch technicians assemble and test the next NASA Mars rover, one of the most technologically challenging interplanetary missions ever designed. NASA's ... Center in Florida next spring. The launch will occur between Nov. 25 and Dec. 18, 2011. Curiosity will arrive on Mars in August 2012. Curiosity is engineered to drive longer distances over ...
H.H. Sheldon of New York University discusses the use of electronic eyes and gyroscopes for stellar navigation during space flight during a lecture to the American Interplanetary Society. ''New York Times Mar 26''
Media:83-03-25.pdf Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)
March 4-15: Navy nonrigid airship ZPB-2 completed nonstop round-trip Atlantic crossing, simultaneously establishing new world endurance record for unrefueled flight of 264 hours and 14 minutes, Comdr. J. R. Hunt commanding.
Ion engine research begun at National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Lewis Laboratory.
Speed record for a transcontinental passenger flight was established when a Boeing 707 jet transport, with 42 passengers and a crew of 10, flew 2,335 miles from Seattle to Washington in 3 hours and 48 minutes.
As a result of guidance from the Secretary of Defense as to desired level of effort, the Atomic Energy Commission reduced its program on nuclear rocket propulsion to a single laboratory effort, phasing out work at the University of California Radiation Laboratory and concentrating AEC development efforts at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory.
First attempted test flight of USAF Thor IRBM, only 13 months after first production contracts were signed, failed to launch.
USAF awarded contract for a surveillance satellite to Lockheed.

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