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Displaying 31—40 of 1000 matches for query "Sep_2_1940" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "sep" found 36361 times in 1757 documents
  • "2" found 46648 times in 15524 documents
  • "1940" found 581 times in 166 documents

September 2-6: First Joint Technical Sessions by the Royal Aeronautical Society , Great Britain, and the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences, held in London.
... and inspire our next generation of explorers in new ways. Space Craft runs through Nov. 2. Entries will be judged online by members of the Etsy website. A panel of crafters ...
Beginning of the Battle of Britain, which raged until the end of October.
British Interplanetary Society meets at Red Bull pub in London. Arthur C. Clarke is in attendance with Val Cleaver, H.E. Ross, and J.H. Edwards.
Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky was refused permission by Army Air Corps to enter his pursuit plane in Bendix Trophy Race to Los Angeles "due to features considered a military secret."
At the National Aircraft Show, Oklahoma City, an H-13, USA helicopter, set an endurance record in the air of 57 hours 40 minutes.
U.N. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge announced that United States would propose a plan for international cooperation in the exploration of outer space to the United Nations.
Dr. Theodore von Karman named chairman of a committee to establish an International Academy on Astronautics.
Media:83-09-02.pdf Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)
''MEDIA ADVISORY: M12-171 NEXT SPACE STATION SPACEWALK TO BE BROADCAST ON NASA TV'' WASHINGTON -- In the wake of an unsuccessful attempt to install a replacement power-switching unit on the truss of the International Space Station, two crew members will venture outside for a second time in six days to complete the work. NASA Television will provide live coverage of the spacewalk beginning at 6 a ...

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