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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Apr_26_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "apr" found 38145 times in 1871 documents
  • "26" found 31971 times in 12946 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

Proposal for a National Aeronautics and Space Agency drafted by the Bureau of the Budget was submitted to the Congress by the President, and was contained in the following congressional bills : S. 3609, introduced by Senator Johnson of Texas and Senator Bridges and referred to the Special Committee on Space and Astronautics. Reported out June 11 in amended form (S. Rept. 1701). Senate passed H.R ...
Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration of the House of Representatives opened hearings on outer space leading toward formulation of a national space program.
Grumman F11F-1F Super Tiger flown to world altitude record of 76,828 feet for ground-launched planes, piloted by Cdr. George O. Watkins, at Edwards AFB .
Simulated 7-day trip to the moon made by six Navy moon in chamber at Philadelphia Naval Base. British Skylark reached an altitude of 90 miles at Woomera, Australia.
USAF Thor-Able missile was launched from Cape Canaveral in a reentry test ; flew short of its goal and the nose cone was not recovered. The nose cone carried a mouse as a biomedical experiment.
Navy rocket sled attained speed of 2,827.5 mph at China Lake, Calif.
Pravda reported on Soviet satellite findings that Laika's heartbeat had taken three times as long as expected to return to normal. Weightlessness affecting the nerve centers was suggested as the cause. The Soviet report disclosed that the density and temperature of the atmosphere at a given altitude were not uniform, and that cosmic ray intensity was 40 percent greater at 400 miles than at 135 ...
Vanguard (TV-5) failed to orbit due to malfunction of minor components in the firing circuit of third stage.
James H. Doolittle, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA , testified before Senate Committee on Appropriations that "four years ago, about 10 percent of our activities were associated with space; two years ago, about 25 percent ; and in 1959 we will be devoting almost half of our time on missiles, antimissiles, and satellites and other space objectives."
Third U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY Satellite, EXPLORER II a joint ABMA-JPL project, successfully launched by Army Juno II , yielded valuable data on radiation belt, micrometeorite impacts, and temperature before returning to earth on June 27. President Eisenhower in a brief statement released the President's Science Advisory Committee's report, "Introduction to Outer Space: ...

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