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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Aug_16_1957" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "aug" found 41122 times in 2452 documents
  • "16" found 34109 times in 13481 documents
  • "1957" found 1054 times in 485 documents

First measurements of the terrestrial magnetic fields in the auroral zone, made by L. Cahill and James A. Van Allen in firing of SUI Rockoon No. 59.
Army-JPL Jupiter-C fired a scale-model nose cone 1,200 miles down range from AMR with a summit altitude of 600 miles. Recovery the next day of aerodynamic nose cone using ablation, resolved reentry heating problem for Jupiter missile Jupiter missile. Nose cone was shown to the Nation on TV by President Eisenhower on November 7.
Paul E. Bikle established world glider speed record of 66.02 mph over 300 km triangular course, in a Schweizer SGS 123E sailplane, from El Mirage, Calif.
STRATOSCOPE I, an unmanned balloon-telescope system, launched by General Mills under Navy contract for Princeton University astronomers, which produced first "clear" photos of the sun from 80,000 feet using a 12-inch telescope. August 19-26: Airborne for 32 hours in MAN HIGH II flight, Maj. David G. Simons , USAF, established a manned-balloon altitude record of 101,516 feet, ascending at ...
Soviet Union successfnlly launched a "super long-distance intercontinental multistage ballistic rocket . . . a few days ago," according to Tass, Soviet News Agency.
Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1958, appropriated $34,200,000 for the U.S. scientific satellite "to be derived by transfer from such annual appropriations available to the Department of Defense as may be determined by the Secretary of Defense, to remain available until expended."
Bomarc IM-99 ordered into production, a pilotless interceptor, which attained speeds near Mach 2 and was planned for long-range area defense.
Chance Vought F8U-1 Crusader set Los Angeles to New York speed record with an average speed of 760 mph, Maj. John H. Glenn , Jr. ( USMC), as pilot.
USAF successfully launched pellets at a speed faster than 33,000 mph (some 8,900 mph faster than the velocity necessary to escape from the earth) by an Aerobee rocket to a height of 35 miles ; the nose section then ascended to a height of 54 miles where shaped charges blasted the pellets into space.
Physicist Martin Pomerantz announced at Swarthmore College that he had sent a flight of four free balloons, carrying cosmic ray equipment, to a record height of at least 127,000 feet. An extraordinary general meeting of the British Interplanetary Society to discuss fees. Max W. Wholey delivers paper entitled ''Conditions on the Surface of Mars'' at the meeting. The Yorkshire Post and Leeds ...

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