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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Dec_18_1930" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "dec" found 39547 times in 2694 documents
  • "18" found 33391 times in 13330 documents
  • "1930" found 849 times in 237 documents

German Army Ordnance Office, after reviewing work of Goddard and others, decided to establish rocket program and to equip artillery proving ground at Kummersdorf to develop military missiles.
Robert H. Goddard fired 11-foot liquid fuel rocket ''Nell'' to a height of 2,000 feet and a speed or near 500 mph near Roswell, N. Mex.
"Airworthiness Requirements for Aircraft Components and Accessories" of the Department of Commerce became effective.
"Rocket Fuels" a paper by William Lemkin is delivered to the American Interplanetary Society .
"Ballistics of the Rocket" a paper by Fletcher Pratt is delivered to the American Interplanetary Society .
Paul Heylandt announces that he will soon have a rocket plane capable of reaching America from Europe. His solid rockets would take eight hours. Heylandt planned to use the rockets currently being tested by Max Valier in his rocket car. ''Globe and Mail''
DeBothezat helicopter, built by the Engineering Division of the Air Service at McCook Field, successfully testflown for 1 minute 42 seconds by Maj. F. H. Bane.
Christmas aileron patent claim was settled when U.S. government bought the patent rights for $100,000.
First full-scale production of electricity for commercial use by civilian nuclear power station, at Shipping-port, Pa.
Plastic balloon flight No. 1,900 launched by the Balloon Branch of the Missile Development Center at Holloman AFB , a series beginning in July 1950.

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