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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Dec_19_1929" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "dec" found 39547 times in 2694 documents
  • "19" found 32600 times in 13126 documents
  • "1929" found 870 times in 189 documents

Daniel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion of Aeronautics ended its activities.
Max Valier demonstrates his RAK-6 gas-propelled car at the Avus Speedway in Berlin. The car was powered by bottles of compressed carbon dioxide.
First autogiro flight in the United States was made by Harold F. Pitcairn, Willow Grove, Pa.
New world speed record for amphibians of 209.4 mph over a closed course set by Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky.
President Truman submitted his plan to Congress for the unification of the armed services.
A Thor missile, the eighth tested and the fourth successfully, completed the first fully-guided Thor IRBM flight using an all-inertial guidance system.
President Eisenhower's Christmas message beamed from PROJECT SCORE satellite in orbit, the first voice beamed in from space. BOLD ORION (WS-199) launched from B-58 Hustler traveling at about 1,100 mph over Cape Canaveral , Fla.
The Chairman, AEC, in a letter to the Administrator of NASA, proposed a flight test objective be established for the nuclear rocket program and proposed a technical program and division of agency responsibilities to achieve those objectives.
"Ballistics of the Rocket" a paper by Fletcher Pratt is delivered to the American Interplanetary Society .
File:Apollo17830.mp4 Category:Audio Category:Apollo 17 Audio

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