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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Dec_26_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "dec" found 39547 times in 2694 documents
  • "26" found 31971 times in 12946 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

First Atlas missile Atlas -C fired successfully at AMR.
Dr. Herbert F. York, Chief Scientist of Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA , was named as Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the Department of Defense by President Eisenhower.
Federal Council for Science and Technology to be headed by Dr. James R. Killian , Jr., was approved by President Eisenhower. PIONEER III data indicated that the earth is surrounded by two bands of radiation.
Plastic balloon flight No. 1,900 launched by the Balloon Branch of the Missile Development Center at Holloman AFB , a series beginning in July 1950.
Modified Navy Terrier rocket with camera launched to an altitude of 80 miles from Wallops Island, providing a 1,000-mile composite photograph of a frontal cloud formation.
James H. Doolittle, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA , testified before Senate Committee on Appropriations that "four years ago, about 10 percent of our activities were associated with space; two years ago, about 25 percent ; and in 1959 we will be devoting almost half of our time on missiles, antimissiles, and satellites and other space objectives."
Third U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY Satellite, EXPLORER II a joint ABMA-JPL project, successfully launched by Army Juno II , yielded valuable data on radiation belt, micrometeorite impacts, and temperature before returning to earth on June 27. President Eisenhower in a brief statement released the President's Science Advisory Committee's report, "Introduction to Outer Space: ...
Production Vanguard satellite (SLV-2) failed to orbit due to failure of second stage, but demonstrated structural integrity of tankage which with, stood pressure exceeding design values.
Gen. Thomas D. White, USAF, wrote James H. Doolittle, Chairman, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA : "There was regret at the passing of an agency that for 43 years has set the world's standard in aeronautical research. . . . There has always been for us in the Air Force, the knowledge that National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA was ready to help in any aerodynamic ...
Vanguard (SLV-3) reached 265 miles' altitude and was destroyed 9,200 miles downrange over Central Africa on reentry into the atmosphere. Boeing B-52D set a world distance in a closed-circuit record of 6,233.981 miles, with Lt. CoL V. L. Sandacz at the controls.

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