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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Feb_16_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "feb" found 35750 times in 2396 documents
  • "16" found 34109 times in 13481 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

"Basic Objectives of a Continuing Program of Scientific Research in Outer Space," a report by the Technical Panel on the Earth Satellite Program of the National Academy of Sciences International Geophysical year IGY Committee, was published. It proposed a program of space research extending beyond the International Geophysical Year.
In a letter to Soviet Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin, President Eisenhower repeated his plea for the dedication of outer space to peaceful uses. Denying that this proposal was intended "to gain strategic advantages for the United States," he stressed the urgency of dealing with outer space before its use for military purposes had, like nuclear weapons, advanced to the point where complete ...
USAF revealed that an airflow speed of 32,400 mph had been attained for one-tenth of a second in a wind tunnel test at the Arnold Engineering Development Center , Tullahoma, Tenn., on an undisclosed date.
U.S.S.R. fired a single-stage rocket to 294-mile altitude with 3,340 pounds of experiments for measuring ion composition of the atmosphere, pressure, temperature, micrometeorites, etc., according to the Soviet International Geophysical year IGY Committee.
James H. Doolittle, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA , testified before Senate Committee on Appropriations that "four years ago, about 10 percent of our activities were associated with space; two years ago, about 25 percent ; and in 1959 we will be devoting almost half of our time on missiles, antimissiles, and satellites and other space objectives."
Department of Defense assigned responsibility for land-based ICBM/IRBM development to the USAF, and directed it to develop Minuteman solid-propellant ICBM capable of being launched from underground sites.
Grumman F11F-1F Super Tiger flown to world altitude record of 76,828 feet for ground-launched planes, piloted by Cdr. George O. Watkins, at Edwards AFB .
In level flight over a 10-mile course at Edwards AFB , Calif., Capt. Walter W. Irwin (USAF), flying a F-104A Starfighter, set a world speed record of 1,404.19 mph.
Phase I development contract for Dyna-Soar boost-glide orbital spacecraft awarded by USAF to two teams of contractors beaded by Martin Co. (Bell, American Machine & Foundry, Bendix , Goodyear, and Minneapolis-Honeywell) and the Boeing Co. (Aerojet, General Electric, Ramo-Wooldridge, North American. and Chance Vought ). Pacific Missile Range , Point Mugu, Calif., officially ...
Two Thor shots, one from Cape Canaveral and one from Vandenberg AFB , were successful. Intermediate range ballistic missile portion of PMR was inaugurated with successful tiring of USAF Thor from Vandenberg AFB . MATS C-133 Cargomaster lifted 117,900 pounds of cargo to 10,000 feet, a weight-lifting record, at Dover AFB, Del.

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