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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Jan_20_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "jan" found 39959 times in 2528 documents
  • "20" found 34824 times in 13630 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

First launch of Navy Polaris test vehicle at Cape Canaveral .
Dr. Hugh L. Dryden , Director of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA , in a speech to the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, stressed the importance of a well-planned and logical space program embracing both civilian and military uses. He stated that the national space program should be under the joint control of the Department of Defense, the National Advisory ...
Thor IRBM successfully fired from Cape Canaveral , flew prescribed course, and impacted in preselected area.
The DOD announced plane to establish the National Pacific Missile Range (PMR) as part of the Naval Air Missile Test Center at Point Mugu, Calif., the range to be designed for long-range guided missile and ICBM testing.
EXPLORER I , first U.S. earth satellite, launched by modified ABMA-JPL Jupiter-C , with US- International Geophysical year IGY scientific experiment of James A. Van Allen , which discovered the radiation belt around the earth. '''Click on the player to see a video clip from this day "Army Explorers in Space".'''
“Into Frontiers Beyond Earth” Scott Crossfield in pressure suit in Life Magazine
The first meeting of the Canadian Astronautical Society takes place at de Havilland Missile Division in Downsview Ontario. Fourteen people attend and elect Philip A. Lapp as president.
White Sands Proving Ground announced missile range firing record: 2,000 "hot" firings in 1 year. First Titan test launch exploded on the pad at Cape Canaveral . New voice and teletype messages were received and rebroadcast on commaad by PROJECT SCORE satellite, and a series of experiments were continued in subsequent days.
In an article for the Palm Beach Post Wernher von Braun explains that his interest in rocketry was triggered by the exploits of Max Valier and Fritz von Opel and their rocket cars.
Navy Bureau of Steam Engineering was allocated $100,000 to contract for the development and purchase of 200-hp radial air cooled engines from the Lawrence Aero Engine Corp. The Daily Mirror newspaper in London shows image of the Cavorite sphere built for the Gaumont motion picture of H.G. Wells ''First Men in the Moon''.

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