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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Jun_17_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "jun" found 37293 times in 1854 documents
  • "17" found 33912 times in 13499 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

Phase I development contract for Dyna-Soar boost-glide orbital spacecraft awarded by USAF to two teams of contractors beaded by Martin Co. (Bell, American Machine & Foundry, Bendix , Goodyear, and Minneapolis-Honeywell) and the Boeing Co. (Aerojet, General Electric, Ramo-Wooldridge, North American. and Chance Vought ). Pacific Missile Range , Point Mugu, Calif., officially ...
Production Vanguard satellite (SLV-2) failed to orbit due to failure of second stage, but demonstrated structural integrity of tankage which with, stood pressure exceeding design values.
First successful launching by National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Langley's Aircraft Research Division of a Mach 18 five-stage rocket vehicle at Wallops Island, Va. USAF strategic missile squadron successfully completed first military launch of a Snark intercontinental missile at Cape Canaveral .
EXPLORER III reentered the earth's atmosphere.
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA reported that 50 percent of its research effort was being devoted to problems associated with missiles and space vehicles.
First launch of Navy Polaris test vehicle at Cape Canaveral .
In a letter to Soviet Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin, President Eisenhower repeated his plea for the dedication of outer space to peaceful uses. Denying that this proposal was intended "to gain strategic advantages for the United States," he stressed the urgency of dealing with outer space before its use for military purposes had, like nuclear weapons, advanced to the point where complete ...
Second U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY satellite, VANGUARD I , launched into orbit with life expectancy of perhaps a 1,000 years, a highly successful scientific satellite which proved that the earth is slightly pear shaped. Operating on solar-powered batteries, it was still transmitting after 3 years in orbit. An experiment testing the behavior of crews under conditions of long ...
Simulated 7-day trip to the moon made by six Navy moon in chamber at Philadelphia Naval Base. British Skylark reached an altitude of 90 miles at Woomera, Australia.
Nose cone of Jupiter missile Jupiter missile successfully recovered after intermediate range flight.

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