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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Mar_14_1934" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "mar" found 48386 times in 4487 documents
  • "14" found 34196 times in 13429 documents
  • "1934" found 1203 times in 738 documents

Eugen Sanger writes letter to the British Interplanetary Society reporting that he is working on extremely fast rocket driven airplanes.
Philip Ellaby Cleator writes article "Shall We Ever Travel to the Stars?" in British science fiction magazine ''Scoops''.
Philip Ellaby Cleator , founder of the British Interplanetary Society writes article ''We Shall Travel to the Planets'' in Cyril Arthur Pearson 's British science fiction magazine Scoops . Image:mar311934.jpg 200px
Robert Esnault-Pelterie sails for America to visit the American Interplanetary Society .
Werner Brugel delivers lecture on spaceflight on a short wave radio station in Frankfurt. He concludes with a message in English to the listeners in England in which he suggested the formation of an international organisation of space flight societies.
U.S. National Committee for International Geophysical Year IGY completed feasibility study and endorsed earth satellite project in report. Aeromedical Laboratory biological specimens were reflown on two separate plastic balloon flights for a total of 74 hours and 35 hours at an altitude between 82,000 and 97,000 feet, mostly above 90,000 feet, at Holloman AFB . DOD officials announced ...
First liquid-fuel rocket successfully fired in Europe, a methane-liquid oxygen rocket constructed by Johannes Winkler and flown from Gross Kuehnau, Dessau. Germany. It reached an altitude of about 1000 feet. The rocket was two feet long and one foot in diameter.
The first Jupiter A launching, by ABMA at Cape Canaveral , Fla.
National Academy of Sciences delegate to COSPAR transmitted to COSPAR President the offer of NASA to carry experiments by scientists of other nations in U.S. space vehicles.
“How Man Will Meet Emergency in Space Travel” with cover by Fred Freeman article in Collier’s Magazine

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