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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Mar_28_1958" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "mar" found 48386 times in 4487 documents
  • "28" found 33073 times in 13311 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

Space program for the United States proposed by the U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY Satellite Panel.
Two-stage monorail rocket-propelled sled exceeded 2,700 mph at Holloman AFB .
Navy demonstrated first dummy test of Polaris missile from "popup" launcher off San Clemente Island, from submerged launching platform.
Third U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY Satellite, EXPLORER II a joint ABMA-JPL project, successfully launched by Army Juno II , yielded valuable data on radiation belt, micrometeorite impacts, and temperature before returning to earth on June 27. President Eisenhower in a brief statement released the President's Science Advisory Committee's report, "Introduction to Outer Space: ...
President Eisenhower gave his approval to the plans for outer space exploration announced by Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy. The Advanced Research Projects Agency ( Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA ) was to undertake several space projects including the launching of certain earth satellites and five space probes as a part of this country's contribution to the International ...
Thor IRBM successfully fired from Cape Canaveral , flew prescribed course, and impacted in preselected area.
Department of Defense assigned responsibility for land-based ICBM/IRBM development to the USAF, and directed it to develop Minuteman solid-propellant ICBM capable of being launched from underground sites.
Vanguard (TV-5) failed to orbit due to malfunction of minor components in the firing circuit of third stage.
EXPLORER III reentered the earth's atmosphere.
Nike-Asp test flight from Navy LSD ''Point Defiance'' near Puka Island reached 800,000 feet, the highest altitude ever reached by ship-launched rocket, in preliminary test of Nike-Asp for use in International Geophysical year IGY solar eclipse studies.

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