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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Mar_3_1958" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "mar" found 48386 times in 4487 documents
  • "3" found 42922 times in 14882 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

... a lunar spacecraft. ''"Highlights of GSFC Program - Mr. Goett," NASA Staff Conference, Monterey, Calif., March 3-5, 1960.'' H. Rept. 1333, Committee on Science and Astronautics, “Authorizing Appropriations to the National ...
Media:1949-03-03_V4I9LARC1945.pdf Langley Air Scoop March 3 1945
U.S.S.R. Foreign Ministry statement proposed that ban on use of outer space for military purposes, as suggested by President Eisenhower, be coupled with the liquidation of foreign military bases in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Contract awarded for inertial guidance system for the Titan I missile Titan ICBM to American Bosch Arms by the USAF.
Dr. Herbert F. York was appointed as Chief Scientist for DOD's Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Space program for the United States proposed by the U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY Satellite Panel.
Two-stage monorail rocket-propelled sled exceeded 2,700 mph at Holloman AFB .
Navy demonstrated first dummy test of Polaris missile from "popup" launcher off San Clemente Island, from submerged launching platform.
Third U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY Satellite, EXPLORER II a joint ABMA-JPL project, successfully launched by Army Juno II , yielded valuable data on radiation belt, micrometeorite impacts, and temperature before returning to earth on June 27. President Eisenhower in a brief statement released the President's Science Advisory Committee's report, "Introduction to Outer Space: ...
President Eisenhower gave his approval to the plans for outer space exploration announced by Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy. The Advanced Research Projects Agency ( Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA ) was to undertake several space projects including the launching of certain earth satellites and five space probes as a part of this country's contribution to the International ...
Soviet Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin in a letter to President Eisenhower stated that the Soviet Union "is ready to examine also the question of the intercontinental rockets if the Western powers are willing to reach agreement to ban atomic and hydrogen weapons, to end tests thereof, and to liquidate foreign military bases In other nations' terrltories. In that case, an agreement on the use of outer ...

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