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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "May_19_1940" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "may" found 54013 times in 6856 documents
  • "19" found 32600 times in 13126 documents
  • "1940" found 581 times in 166 documents

Media:82-05-19.pdf Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)
German Luftwaffe bombed Rotterdam.
President Roosevelt called for U.S. production of 50,000 planes a year.
Robert H. Goddard offered all his research data, patents, and facilities for use by the military services at a meeting with representatives of Army Ordnance, Army Air Corps, and Navy Bureau of Aeronautics arranged by Harry Guggenheim. Nothing resulted from this except au expression of possible use of rockets in jet-assisted take-offs of aircraft.
Chance Vought F4U Corsair Navy fighter with inverted full wing made first test flight.
Arthur C. Clarke reads the British Post Office's official file on rocket mail (87265/46) and comments "Not much of interest. Proposal first made in 1832 "
British Interplanetary Society meets at Red Bull pub in London. Arthur C. Clarke is in attendance and reports "a full house". H.E. Ross, R.A. Smith, Val Cleaver, Janser and Abel are all there.
Maj. James H. Doolittle elected president of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences IAS .
Lt. J. A. Macready (USAS) established new American altitude record of 35,239 feet at Dayton, in Le Pere Liberty 400.
First Army Hermes A-1 test rocket fired at White Sands Proving Ground WSPG .

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