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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Nov_11_1958" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "nov" found 38526 times in 2507 documents
  • "11" found 38941 times in 14393 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

NASA formed new Special Committee on Life Sciences to provide advice on human factors, medical, and allied problems on NASA's manned space vehicle program.
USAF Atlas missile Atlas made its first successful operational test flight in a 6325 statute-mile flight, landed close to its target.
A contract was signed by the University of Manchester, Manchester, England, and the Air Force AF 61(052)-168 for $21,509. Z. Kopal, principal investigator, was to provide topographical information on the lunar surface for production of accurate lunar maps. Kopal would work at the Pic-du-Midi Observatory in France, and the data would be transmitted to the Air Force Aeronautical Chart and ...
The Second International Symposium on the Physics and Medicine of the Atmosphere And Space begins at the Hilton Hotel in San Antonio Texas.
James A. Chamberlin Chief of Design at A.V. Roe Canada and one of the principle designers of the Avro Arrow and later the Gemini spacecraft, becomes an associate fellow of the Canadian Aeronautical Institute .
James H. Doolittle, Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, announced that a special committee on space technology was formed on November 21, 1957.
Lt. Comdr. Jack Neiman completed 44-hour simulated high altitude flight at between 80,000 and 100,000 feet in pressure chamber at NAS Norfolk.
PIONEER I , U.S.- International Geophysical year IGY space probe under direction of NASA and with the AFBMD as executive agent, launched from AMR, Cape Canaveral , Fla., by a Thor-Able -I booster. It traveled 70,790 miles before returning to earth, determined radial extent of great radiation belt, first observations of earth's and interplanetary magnetic field, and first measurements ...
A letter contract was signed by NASA with North American Aviation NAA 's Rocketdyne Division for the development of the H-1 rocket engine, designed for use in a clustered-engine booster. '' Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC Saturn Systems Office and Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC Historical Office, Saturn Illustrated Chronology (George C. Marshall Space Flight Center , ...
With the signing of the Armistice, the Army Air Service had a total of 195,024 personnel, of which 20,508 were officers, and the AEF had 3,538 airplanes while 4,805 were in service in the United States. Naval aviation consisted of 6,716 officers and 30,693 men, with 282 officers and 2,189 men in Marine Corps units with a total of 2,107 airplanes, of which 1,172 were flying boats.

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