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Displaying 41—50 of 1000 matches for query "Nov_27_1958" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "nov" found 38526 times in 2507 documents
  • "27" found 32845 times in 13266 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

James A. Chamberlin Chief of Design at A.V. Roe Canada and one of the principle designers of the Avro Arrow and later the Gemini spacecraft, becomes an associate fellow of the Canadian Aeronautical Institute .
Dr. Hugh L. Dryden , Director of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA , in a speech to the Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, stressed the importance of a well-planned and logical space program embracing both civilian and military uses. He stated that the national space program should be under the joint control of the Department of Defense, the National Advisory ...
President Eisenhower gave his approval to the plans for outer space exploration announced by Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy. The Advanced Research Projects Agency ( Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA ) was to undertake several space projects including the launching of certain earth satellites and five space probes as a part of this country's contribution to the International ...
Pravda reported on Soviet satellite findings that Laika's heartbeat had taken three times as long as expected to return to normal. Weightlessness affecting the nerve centers was suggested as the cause. The Soviet report disclosed that the density and temperature of the atmosphere at a given altitude were not uniform, and that cosmic ray intensity was 40 percent greater at 400 miles than at 135 ...
First successful launching by National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Langley's Aircraft Research Division of a Mach 18 five-stage rocket vehicle at Wallops Island, Va. USAF strategic missile squadron successfully completed first military launch of a Snark intercontinental missile at Cape Canaveral .
The first Project Argus Argus experiment ( Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA )) was conducted (based upon October 1957 proposal of N. C. Christofilos of the University of California, Livermore), in which a small A-bomb was detonated beyond the atmosphere over the South Atlantic. Launched from the rocketship Norton Sound, the initial flash was followed by an auroral luminescence ...
Federal Council for Science and Technology to be headed by Dr. James R. Killian , Jr., was approved by President Eisenhower. PIONEER III data indicated that the earth is surrounded by two bands of radiation.
Thor and Jupiter missile Jupiter IRBM's ordered into production for ultimate deployment by the USAF.
Hiller X-18 tilt-wing research transport made first flight at Edwards AFB . While awaiting the formal transfer of the Saturn program, NASA formed a study group to recommend upper-stage configurations. Membership was to include the DOD Director of Defense Research and Engineering and personnel from NASA, Advanced Research Projects Agency , Army Ballistic Missile Agency , and the Air ...
Robert H. Goddard has "hair raising" flight with Charles A. Lindbergh . Newspapers report that Max Valier has been testing his jet-car propelled by "compressed air".

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