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Displaying 51—60 of 1000 matches for query "Apr_20_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "apr" found 38145 times in 1871 documents
  • "20" found 34824 times in 13630 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

Simulated 7-day trip to the moon made by six Navy moon in chamber at Philadelphia Naval Base. British Skylark reached an altitude of 90 miles at Woomera, Australia.
USAF Thor-Able missile was launched from Cape Canaveral in a reentry test ; flew short of its goal and the nose cone was not recovered. The nose cone carried a mouse as a biomedical experiment.
Navy rocket sled attained speed of 2,827.5 mph at China Lake, Calif.
Pravda reported on Soviet satellite findings that Laika's heartbeat had taken three times as long as expected to return to normal. Weightlessness affecting the nerve centers was suggested as the cause. The Soviet report disclosed that the density and temperature of the atmosphere at a given altitude were not uniform, and that cosmic ray intensity was 40 percent greater at 400 miles than at 135 ...
Vanguard (TV-5) failed to orbit due to malfunction of minor components in the firing circuit of third stage.
White Sands Proving Ground announced missile range firing record: 2,000 "hot" firings in 1 year. First Titan test launch exploded on the pad at Cape Canaveral . New voice and teletype messages were received and rebroadcast on commaad by PROJECT SCORE satellite, and a series of experiments were continued in subsequent days.
In an article for the Palm Beach Post Wernher von Braun explains that his interest in rocketry was triggered by the exploits of Max Valier and Fritz von Opel and their rocket cars.
First aerial refueling with hose, at Rockwell Field, San Diego, between two DH-413 aircraft, under the direction of Henry H. Arnold (USAS).
Robert H. Goddard writes letter to H.G. Wells thanking him for inspiration, same day writes letter to Rudyard Kipling.
''MEDIA ADVISORY: M12-075 WEATHER POSTPONES SHUTTLE ENTERPRISE FLIGHT TO NEW YORK'' WASHINGTON -- NASA's planned flight to New York City of space shuttle Enterprise atop the 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) has been postponed until further notice due to an unfavorable weather forecast for Monday, April 23. To ensure a safe flight for Enterprise and the SCA, NASA managers, in consultation ...

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