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Displaying 51—60 of 1000 matches for query "Jan_24_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "jan" found 39959 times in 2528 documents
  • "24" found 32693 times in 13126 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

The DOD announced plane to establish the National Pacific Missile Range (PMR) as part of the Naval Air Missile Test Center at Point Mugu, Calif., the range to be designed for long-range guided missile and ICBM testing.
EXPLORER I , first U.S. earth satellite, launched by modified ABMA-JPL Jupiter-C , with US- International Geophysical year IGY scientific experiment of James A. Van Allen , which discovered the radiation belt around the earth. '''Click on the player to see a video clip from this day "Army Explorers in Space".'''
“Into Frontiers Beyond Earth” Scott Crossfield in pressure suit in Life Magazine
The first meeting of the Canadian Astronautical Society takes place at de Havilland Missile Division in Downsview Ontario. Fourteen people attend and elect Philip A. Lapp as president.
Navy rocket sled attained speed of 2,827.5 mph at China Lake, Calif.
Gravity load of 83 g's for a fraction of a second withstood by Capt. E. L. Breeding in deceleration of a rocket sled at Holloman AFB . H. Rept. 1770, Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration, “Establishment of the National Space Program,” published to accompany H.R. 12575.
Senate established Standing Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences.
EXPLORER V successfully launched by ABMA-JPL Jupiter-C and all stages fired, but orbit not achieved because of collision between parts of booster aud instrument compartment.
First senior staff meeting of the newly created National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) held, with Dr. T. Keith Glennan as Administrator, and Dr. Hugh L. Dryden as Deputy Administrator. KC-135 jet Stratotanker lifted 77,350-pound payload to an altitude of 1.25 miles. First use of Sidewinder aircraft rocket with heatseeker nose, by Chinese Nationalist F-86's over the ...
Dr. Herbert F. York, Chief Scientist of Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA , was named as Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the Department of Defense by President Eisenhower.

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