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Displaying 51—60 of 1000 matches for query "MARINER_IV" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "marin" found 1895 times in 894 documents
  • "iv" found 1237 times in 729 documents

... MARINER IV changed the rate of sending scientific data from 331/2 to 81/2 bits of ... command initiated by the spacecraft itself since it performed its mid-course maneuver Dec. 5. MARINER IV had traveled nearly 63 million miles in its 325-million-mile flight to Mars; the ...
... MARINER IV was performing normally after nearly 10 weeks in space, NASA announced. At 9 a.m. ... ,478 mph relative to earth and 65,670 mph relative to the sun, Instruments aboard MARINER IV Mars probe detected a solar flare and the spacecraft telemetered data to a tracking station ...
... MARINER IV 's ion chamber experiment failed completely, Jet Propulsion Laboratory officials reported. Count-rate of the ... -energy radiation detectors aboard were continuing their interplanetary measurements, In its 110th day of flight, MARINER IV was traveling 27,743 mph relative to earth and was 35,000,004 mi. from ...
... )'' NASA's MARINER IV spacecraft was in its 216th day of flight and had only 12 more days before it would pass within 5,700 mi. of the planet Mars, MARINER IV would take ...
... meeting, and that secrecy has been maintained." ''(Clark, NYT, 7/7/65, 21)'' NASA's MARINER IV began feeling the gravitational pull of Mars a week before it was scheduled to take ... of the planet's presence in space was expected until July 14 when instruments aboard MARINER IV might detect an increase in radiation. ''(AP, NYT, 7/8/65, 13; AP, Orl, Sent ...
... H. Pickering , Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory , opened the meeting with a signal from MARINER IV soaring through space 144 million mi. from earth. Received at the Johannesburg tracking station, the ... examinations of the surface; and to provide pictures similar to those taken of Mars by MARINER IV . ''(Space-General Corp. Release)'' An Electro-Optical Systems (EOS) bombardment ion engine had successfully operated ...
... next week an attempt to have MARINER IV photographic probe take pictures of the blackness of space. The pictures would provide scientists with a means of editing MARINER IV 's photos of Mars. Communication ...
... )'' MARINER IV spacecraft took and recorded 10½ photographs of black space on command from the Goldstone Tracking Station in California, Playback of five of the black-space pictures began on command. MARINER IV now ...
... on Martian atmosphere's density, ionization, and composition, based on analysis of radio signals from MARINER IV during its occultation experiment, were reported by scientists at American Geophysical Union meeting held at ... ionosphere, temperature is higher than 2,200° F. Atmospheric composition that would account for the MARINER IV observations, the scientists said, would be largely carbon dioxide. (Earth-based observations of Mars had ...
... clearly recognized by the world with the Ranger lunar pictures and the Mars data from MARINER IV . Gemini IV and Gemini V finally erased the Soviet lead in the manned space flight. The ... planetary missions will depend not only on what is learned from unmanned missions such as Mariner and Voyager , but also what we can learn in Earth orbit about the effects on ...

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