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Displaying 51—60 of 1000 matches for query "Nov_13_1958" retrieved in 0.005 sec with these stats:

  • "nov" found 38526 times in 2507 documents
  • "13" found 33923 times in 13443 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

James A. Chamberlin Chief of Design at A.V. Roe Canada and one of the principle designers of the Avro Arrow and later the Gemini spacecraft, becomes an associate fellow of the Canadian Aeronautical Institute .
SPUTNIK II reentered earth's atmosphere.
U.N. General Assembly adopted resolution bringing into being an 18-member Ad Hoc Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Squirrel monkey Gordo made 1,500-mile flight in nose cone of Army Jupiter missile Jupiter with no known adverse effects, but float mechanism failed and nose cone was not recovered.
Lt. C. F. Schilt (USMC) took second place in the Schneider Cup Race at Hampton Roads, Va., flying an R3C-2 with an average speed of 231 mph. This was last U.S. Navy participation in international racing competition.
First experimental investigation of transonic-type compressor was conducted at Lewis Laboratory, a breakthrough in compressor technology later utilized by virtually all advanced turbojet engines.
North American F-107 reached Mach 2 in flights at Edwards AFB , Calif.
President Eisenhower, in a speech on future security, proposed adoption of a formula for decisions on undertaking space projects, which would include the following criteria : "If the project is designed solely for scientific purposes, its size and its cost must be tailored to the scientific job it is going to do. If the project has some ultimate defense value, its urgency for this purpose is to ...
National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research released select photographs from the more than 1,000 taken of the sun on Stratoscope balloon flights over Minnesota on July 11. August 17, and September 4.
Harold Ernest Ross H.E. Ross delivered paper to members of the British Interplanetary Society in London in which he outlined the principles of lunar orbital rendezvous as a possible method for reaching the moon. The paper described a manned lunar landing mission which would require a combination of the earth orbit and lunar orbit rendezvous techniques. Three spacecraft would be launched ...
G. Edward Pendray delivers lecture about "Recent Worldwide Advances in Rocketry" to the members of the American Interplanetary Society . A group for the study of reaction propulsion is formed in Leningrad under the auspices of the Osoaviakhim , LenGIRD .

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