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Displaying 51—60 of 1000 matches for query "Sep_5_1958" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "sep" found 36361 times in 1757 documents
  • "5" found 41230 times in 14703 documents
  • "1958" found 1763 times in 946 documents

Vanguard (SLV-3) reached 265 miles' altitude and was destroyed 9,200 miles downrange over Central Africa on reentry into the atmosphere. Boeing B-52D set a world distance in a closed-circuit record of 6,233.981 miles, with Lt. CoL V. L. Sandacz at the controls.
Nike-Asp test flight from Navy LSD ''Point Defiance'' near Puka Island reached 800,000 feet, the highest altitude ever reached by ship-launched rocket, in preliminary test of Nike-Asp for use in International Geophysical year IGY solar eclipse studies.
A letter contract was signed by NASA with North American Aviation NAA 's Rocketdyne Division for the development of the H-1 rocket engine, designed for use in a clustered-engine booster. '' Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC Saturn Systems Office and Marshall Space Flight Center MSFC Historical Office, Saturn Illustrated Chronology (George C. Marshall Space Flight Center , ...
USAF Atlas missile Atlas ICBM was successfully flown from Cape Canaveral , Fla., to the impact area some 600 miles away.
Modified Navy Terrier rocket with camera launched to an altitude of 80 miles from Wallops Island, providing a 1,000-mile composite photograph of a frontal cloud formation.
Army bombers sunk two obsolete battleships, the U.S.S. Virginia and the U.S.S. New Jersey, off Cape Hatteras.
Navy JRM-2 Caroline Mars carried a 68,282-pound cargo from Patuxent River, Md., to Cleveland, the heaviest payload ever lifted by an aircraft.
USAF awarded contract to Consolidated Vultee to fly a B-36 with a nuclear reactor aboard, to be built by General Electric, for added boost.
Nathaniel Schachner delivers lecture to the American Interplanetary Society in New York, "Can Human Life Exist on Other Planets?"
The first CARDE Black Brant I sounding rocket is launched at Churchill Rocket Range in Manitoba.

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