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Displaying 51—60 of 341 matches for query "Viking" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "vike" found 1412 times in 345 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

... faultless operation" for more than 5 wk had produced enough information to keep the Viking spacecraft Viking scientists busy, especially the data from the 3 bioexperiments and a related molecular analysis of ... days. The experiment would continue "for some time," to see if further changes occurred. Viking spacecraft Viking scientists were trying to duplicate results of the LR and GE experiments in earth laboratories ...
18-20 September: The Viking spacecraft 2 Viking 2 lander signaled to mission scientists at JPL that its sample-collecting arm was working ... the first sample. As the content of that first Viking spacecraft 2 Viking 2 sample so closely resembled that from the Viking spacecraft 1 Viking 1 , scientists wanted to try for a sample with ...
... the lander, on Sol 60 (Nov. 7, 1976), the activity continued for about 30min. Viking spacecraft Viking project observers said the data seemed to have the "proper signature" of a seismic event ... data recorded on the lunar surface during seismic events. Donald Anderson, leader of the Viking spacecraft Viking seismology team, said rough estimates put the center of the activity several thousand km from ...
... newsletter Apr 77) Recent photographs of the inner Martian satellite Phobos, obtained by the Viking spacecraft 1 Viking 1 orbiter in Feb., had revealed "the nature of that satellite in unprecedented detail," said Scientific American. Earlier pictures by Mariner 9 or the Viking spacecraft 2 Viking 2 orbiter were at a distance of 880km; the new pictures were taken at ...
... fighter pilot had "accidentally" turned on an electronic device and disrupted contact with the Viking spacecraft Viking orbiter at Mars for more than an hour. Had the spacecraft been in a maneuver or an emergency, the mission would have been lost, the Viking spacecraft Viking scientists said. (Today, Aug 20/77, 1A) August 20-29. Two yr to the day after launching the Viking spacecraft Viking mission to Mars, NASA launched Voyager 2 at 10:29am EDT from ETR on a ...
Scientists in NASA's Viking spacecraft Viking project this spring would award grants totaling $5000 to support undergraduate research projects in planetology ... . for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to 150 Viking spacecraft Viking scientists, authors of scientific papers that had appeared in 3 special Viking spacecraft Viking issues of Science magazine. This had been the first ...
... position since Nov. 1976, had served as missions operations manager and missions director of Project Viking spacecraft Viking as well as of other projects at LaRC , which he had joined in 1961 ... project and in 1977 for his work on Viking spacecraft Viking . In 1977 he received NASA's Distinguished Service Medal for contributions to Viking spacecraft Viking . (ARC Release 78-53) October 1978 October November ...
... reported on a campaign to raise $1 million for a Viking spacecraft Viking fund to collect and preserve data from Mars. The Viking spacecraft Viking landers "sitting on the red sands of Mars and ... , but NASA had decided that no life existed on Mars and stopped listening to the Viking spacecraft Viking transmissions. Among those supporting the fundraising campaign was Ben Bova, editor of Omni magazine ...
... material ejected from a flare into the solar atmosphere. (NASA Release 80-120) The first Viking spacecraft Viking soft-landed on Mars just four years ago, the Washington Star noted, but "it seems now like ancient history": this week, the Viking spacecraft Viking orbiter would shut down for good see July 9 . It had been mapping Mars with ... made such things possible is not being encouraged." As the last messages arrive from the Viking spacecraft Viking orbiter, "its most important message-what the end of its useful life has to ...
... engineers had sent a command August 7 to Viking spacecraft Viking orbiter 1, switching off its transmitter and ending its four year mission. Viking spacecraft Viking project manager Kermit Watkins said that its attitude ... off." Confirmation of the switchoff was received at 4:16 EDT August 7. The Viking spacecraft Viking lander would continue to transmit meteorological and engineering data weekly on command until about December ...

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