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Displaying 61—70 of 1000 matches for query "Auguste_Antoine_Piccard" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "august" found 8277 times in 4133 documents
  • "antoin" found 4 times in 4 documents
  • "piccard" found 31 times in 20 documents

Media:1961-08 Materials AD0406720.pdf Summary Of The Fifth Refractory Composites Working Group August 1961 Category:Publications
Media:1964-08 Air Force Space History a605836.pdf USAF Space History August 1964 Category:Publications
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA recommended funds be given Weather Bureau to pro-mute safety in aerial navigation.
Air Corps School of Aviation Medicine moved from Mitchel Field to Brooks Field, Tex., and was subsequently moved to Randolph Field in October 1931.
Experimental transmission of weather maps by teletype initiated by Weather Bureau on a special circuit between Cleveland and Washington.
Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory expanded with completion of engine research laboratory, a vertical tunnel for testing spinning characteristics, and a 24-inch high-speed tunnel (700 mph). ''Stratosphere Towers'' a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society founder Nathaniel Schachner appears in Astounding Stories magazine.
Sir Henry Tizard, scientific adviser to the British Ministry of Aircraft Production, headed mission of leading British and Canadian scientists to brief official American representatives on devices under active development for war use and to enlist the support of American scientists. This was the beginning of very close cooperation of Anglo-American scientists in many fields, including aeronautics ...
Capronl-Campini jet-propelled plane, conventional engine with ducted fan, produced and test flown in Italy. ''Jurisdiction'' a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society founder Nathaniel Schachner appears in Astounding Science Fiction magazine. ''The Return of Circe'' appears in Fantastic Adventures magazine.
Navy initiated development of McDonnell Phantom XFD-1 fighter, first pure-jet aircraft developed for USN. German aircraft launched first HS-293 radio-controlled glide bomb against British ship in Bay of Biscay, the beginning of guided-missile warfare.
First successful U.S. chemical gas, generator-driven, turbo-pump fed, regeneratively cooled rocket engine (XCALT-6000), delivered to AAF by Aerojet-General Corp. Components for approximately 100 V-2 missile V-2 ballistic missiles were shipped from Germany to White Sands Proving Ground . Joint Army-Navy Aeronautical Board established Research Committee to investigate and report on ...

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