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Displaying 61—70 of 1000 matches for query "Selling_Peace_-_by_Jeffrey_Manber" retrieved in 0.006 sec with these stats:

  • "sell" found 304 times in 239 documents
  • "peac" found 1115 times in 735 documents
  • "by" found 52758 times in 14551 documents
  • "jeffrey" found 159 times in 122 documents
  • "manber" found 1 time in 1 document

... and visionary of space flight, convinced presidents and congressmen to spend millions exploring space for peaceful purposes. But what of our first space heroes after the Apollo program was completed? Accepting ...
... third stage ( Titan IIIB ) before being equipped with two enormous strap-on solid rockets developed by United Technologies . The boosters generated 1.3 million pounds of thrust each, creating a combined ... two weeks later despite the protestations of the Air Force Dyna-Soar was officially cancelled by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and the new administration of Lyndon Johnson. The Dyna-Soar story ...
... in the annals of human history.It is my sincere hope and fervent belief that by the 23rd century we will be a true space-faring civilization, one which remembers its ... for future students to ponder. Captured here are the details of leaky spacesuits, rockets struck by lightning, spacesuit cooling systems which stop working because the spacecraft's door got stuck closed and cameras which were disabled by dust. Then there was the hydrogen tank which failed at the last minute and was ...
With CDROM and an exclusive introduction by Dr Harrison Schmitt . It was just past midnight in the early morning hours of December ... hoped to do was increase man's store of knowledge about our nearest celestial neighbor by taking along a trained scientist for the first time. Harrison "Jack" Schmitt was a fully ... of man's greatest programme of exploration. An unparallelled triumph of planning and technology flown by a team of professionals with expert precision. This book contains many of the internal NASA ...
... quest to fulfill President John Kennedy's goal of landing a man on the moon by the end of the decade. To accomplish the task the world's biggest and most complex rocket was built by a syndicate of America's leading aerospace manufacturers. Capable of throwing over 100,000 pounds to the moon it was at that time the most complex machine ever devised by the hand of man. The Apollo-Saturn V was a goliath and the flight of ...
... World endurance record of 2017 hrs 16 min which was not surpassed by the Russians until 1978 and not by another American astronaut until 1995. Had events taken a different course Carr ... 's space station Skylab that set a new world endurance record that was not surpassed by American astronauts for over 21 years. Born in Denver Colorado in 1932 he gained a ... as an operational USMC jet pilot for over a decade. Selected for the astronaut programme by NASA in April 1966 he received technical assignments in the development of the Apollo Lunar ...
... the events that shaped the initial thrust into space as represented by the first Soviet Sputniks and the shocked response by the Americans. The engineering requirements of the first manned spacecraft ,Vostok ... related in detail. Book 2 - To the Moon and Towards the Future, examines the commitment by the American President John Kennedy to land a man on the Moon within the decade ... , Voskhod, Soyuz and Apollo programs . It reviews the development of the most complex machine devised by man-the Space Shuttle-and follows the evolution of the space station. It highlights the ...
... of the civil and military space programs since the late 1950s. The book is written by Chuck Walker , a participant in the Atlas program starting in 1953 with the prime contractor ... Centaur upper stage (and even its famous name) in the Atlas V replacement vehicle built by the Lockheed Martin Corporation.Image:9781894959186.jpg '''Buy This Book''' http://www ...
... has rarely been told. America's fourth manned spaceflight has often been overlooked, sometimes overshadowed by the popularity of the flight of John Glenn which took place just three months earlier ... - The NASA Mission Reports is the story of America's second manned orbital spaceflight told by the man who flew it from his original reports. Includes: DVD with video and documents ...
... everyday life in ways most people can't imagine. Thanks to fifty years of effort by these scientists and engineers your life has been improving and is constantly being made safer ... knowledge of space in 1958, gained primarily through observations of the aurora borealis by optical and radar methods. By the time of the International Geophysical Year , 1957-58, Canada was well established ...

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