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Displaying 81—90 of 1000 matches for query "June_1951" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "june" found 10733 times in 4758 documents
  • "1951" found 698 times in 212 documents

Talos missile powered by ramjet engine launched at Naval Ordnance Test Station, and operated 2 minutes in longest full-scale ramjet flight yet achieved.
Navy Regulus (XSSM-N-8) operating under airborne command took off and landed at Edwards AFB , Calif.
Navy issued contract to Convair for the XFY-1, propellor-driven VTOL fighter.
Pratt & Whitney began flight test of new 10,000-pound thrust J-57 jet engine, using converted B-50 as test bed.
USAF Air Research and Development Command ( Air Research and Development Command ARDC ) became operational, to which was assigned : Air Development Force at Wright Field ; AF Cambridge Research Division ; AF Flight Test Center at Edwards AFB ; and the Holloman AFB R&D establishment (later AFMDC). Later the Arnold Engineering Development Center (Tullahoma, Tenn.) ; AF Armament Center ...
The first Aerobee research rocket containing a biomedical experiment was launched at Holloman AFB , N. Mex.
Air Force Missile Test Center (AFMTC) established at Long-Range Proving Ground, and assigned to the Air Research and Development Command (ARDC).
Drs. H. Strughold, Heinz Haber , and Fritz Haber initiated first research program on weightlessness at the USAF SAM, a study (Task No. 7758-20) suspended in 1952, and reactivated by Dr. S. J. Gerathewohl on July 1, 1955. ''The Seed From Space'' a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society founder Fletcher Pratt appears in Startling Stories magazine.
Navy D-558-II Douglas Skyrocket, flown by test pilot William Bridgeman, set a new unofficial airplane speed and altitude record at Edwards AFB , Muroc Dry Lake, Calif.; speed estimated at more than 1,200 mph ; altitude estimated 70,000 feet.
Navy issued contract to Convair for development of delta-winged, hydroski-equipped research seaplane with fighter characteristics, subsequently known as XF2Y-1.

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