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Displaying 81—90 of 1000 matches for query "November_1934" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "novemb" found 7857 times in 3934 documents
  • "1934" found 1203 times in 738 documents

Soviet newspaper Pravda featured conceptual art based on designs by Konstantin Tsiolkovski , from Zhuravylov's movie "Space Voyage". ''The 100th Generation'' a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society founder Nathaniel Schachner appears in Astounding Stories magazine. ''Dr Grimshaw's Sanitarium'' a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society ...
First issue of the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society is published. It has only six pages, a cover, a back cover, a page on membership and a three page article by Philip Ellaby Cleator , founder of the British Interplanetary Society BIS . Cleator makes a trip to Germany where he was met and greeted by Willy Ley who took him on a tour of the Raketenflugplatz . Cleator's ...
Hugo Gernsback publishes short story "Martian Madness" by Philip Ellaby Cleator , founder of the British Interplanetary Society , in Thrilling Wonder Stories magazine. ''The Time Imposter'' a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society founder Nathaniel Schachner appears in Astounding Stories magazine.
Lawrence E. Manning writes letter to Philip Ellaby Cleator at the British Interplanetary Society in England telling him that the American Interplanetary Society is building two experimental rockets which they hope to fly in April of that year. Construction is being completed by G. Edward Pendray , Bernard Smith and Alfred Africano . The rocket 3 is built of aluminium ...
Eugen Sanger writes letter to the British Interplanetary Society reporting that he is working on extremely fast rocket driven airplanes.
Philip Ellaby Cleator writes article "Shall We Ever Travel to the Stars?" in British science fiction magazine ''Scoops''.
Philip Ellaby Cleator , founder of the British Interplanetary Society writes article ''We Shall Travel to the Planets'' in Cyril Arthur Pearson 's British science fiction magazine Scoops . Image:mar311934.jpg 200px
Robert Esnault-Pelterie sails for America to visit the American Interplanetary Society .
Werner Brugel delivers lecture on spaceflight on a short wave radio station in Frankfurt. He concludes with a message in English to the listeners in England in which he suggested the formation of an international organisation of space flight societies.
The third edition of The Journal of the British Interplanetary Society is cut down to only eight pages due to economic constraints. Philip Ellaby Cleator announced that new fellow members were G. Edward Pendray of the American Interplanetary Society , Professor Archibald Montgomery Low A.M. Low (who wrote an article for this issue) and Friedrich Schmiedl of Germany. Jakov I ...

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