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Displaying 81—90 of 1000 matches for query "October_1941" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "octob" found 8155 times in 4031 documents
  • "1941" found 521 times in 115 documents

Dr. Jerome C. Hunsaker was elected Chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA and Chairman of its Executive Committee.
Navy initiated development of Mousetrap, ship-based 7.2-Inch mortar-fired bomb which became first USN rocket placed into fleet action in May 1942. First successful U.S. jet-assisted takeoff accomplished in an Ercoupe at March Field by Lt. Homer A. Boushey (AAF), with pressed-powder propellant JATO rockets developed by Cal Tech. Project TED (EES 3401) established at Naval Engineering Experiment ...
President Roosevelt prohibited export of aviation fuel outside of the Western Hemisphere, except to Britain and countries resisting aggression, an act aimed at Japan which normally imported large quantities from the United States. NDL was requested to develop radar guidance equipment for assault drones, both to relay target information to a control operator and to serve as an automatic homing ...
Ercoupe impelled by 12 powder rockets of 50 pounds thrust each, piloted by Lt. Homer A. Boushey, first flew on rocket power alone after an initial boost from a towing automobile.
President Roosevelt announced that Pan American Airways would establish a ferry service to fly American aircraft to the RAF in the Middle East.
Capronl-Campini jet-propelled plane, conventional engine with ducted fan, produced and test flown in Italy. ''Jurisdiction'' a science fiction story by American Interplanetary Society founder Nathaniel Schachner appears in Astounding Science Fiction magazine. ''The Return of Circe'' appears in Fantastic Adventures magazine.
Post of Air Surgeon was created within the Army Air Forces.
First flight of the AAF GB-1 guided glide bomb, containing preset guidance.
First launching of an experimental GB-8 glide bomb, incorporating radio controls.
Italian jet-propelled Caproni-Campini airplane flown 475 kilometers in 2 hours 11 minutes from Turin to Rome, by Mario de Barnardini.

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