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Displaying 41—50 of 362 matches for query "Editing" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "edit" found 911 times in 614 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

Featuring articles by Alan Binder (Manager - Lunar Prospector Mission), Andy Chaikin (Author - A Man on the Moon), Dr. Paul Spudis (Member of the President's Commission), Frank White (Author - The Overview Effect), Courtney Stadd (Former White House staffer and NASA Deputy Administrator), Allen Steele (SF Author - Clark County Space), Dr. Pete Worden (Former Brigadier General, Air ...
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of manned space flight. For the first time ever available in the West a complete pictorial history of the Russian Space Program from 1946 to the present day all in full colour. On April 12, 1961 Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human into space. To celebrate this momentous event Apogee Books, in conjunction with Rocket & Space Corporation ...
The Saturn IB News Reference is a reprint of the rare original contractor book published in the 1960s to demonstrate the full capabilities of NASA's first giant launch vehicle. Packed with details about this amazing rocket, the book includes 142 pages of diagrams and illustrations with full details about contractors and hardware.Image:9781926837055.jpg '''Buy This Book''' ...
The Saturn V Apollo Lunar Orbital Rendezvous Planning Guide is a reprint of a rare document from the early 1960s in which the whole Apollo moon landing mission was presented and illustrated. The book includes a large fold-out of the Apollo mission as well as a fold-out of the Saturn V moon rocket. It includes illustrations of early iterations of the Lunar Module, maps of the Cape Canaveral ...
Sigma 7 - The NASA Mission Reports comes with a bonus Windows CDROM. Featuring NASA movies and images and an exclusive interview with Sigma 7 pilot Walter M. Schirra At 7:15 a.m. on October 3, 1962, Project Mercury Astronaut Walter M. Schirra , Jr., in his Sigma 7 spacecraft, was launched into space and orbited the Earth six times, completing another step in the grand U.S. program to send ...
The NASA Mission Reports Space Shuttle STS 1-5 - The NASA Mission Reports comes with a bonus CDROM featuring NASA movies, hundreds of images and more "Recommended as a good summary of the beginnings of the nation's long series of shuttle flights and early lessons learned." . . . CHOICE Feb '02 This Book includes all of the details of the Space Shuttle Columbia's first five flights. The Space ...
The beginning of 1966 heralded the birth of the era of direct planetary exploration. Once again the Russians had upped the stakes by placing the first robotic spacecraft, Luna IX on another world. At this time the United States of America's National Air and Space Administration was engaged in the most ambitious scientific project in human history; to place a man on the moon. In order to safely ...
Dr. Wernher von Braun presented approximately 500 speeches in the years from 1947 to 1976. His topics varied widely, from education and religion to the Cold War and space exploration. Inevitably, he managed to relate a general survey of the space program into a majority of his speeches, and extol the virtues of space exploration as they relate to human values and society. Forty-seven of his ...
X-15 The NASA Mission Reports comes with a bonus Windows CDROM featuring NASA and USAF movies, hundreds of images, books, Quicktime VR and an exclusive interview with Bill Dana last man to fly the X-15 . Astronomy Now May '02 The history of aviation in the 20 th century is filled with remarkable accomplishments. None more remarkable than the world's first winged spacecraft. From 1957 to 1975 ...
Image:9781926592077.jpg left border 200px The Farthest Shore is a comprehensive new guide to space systems and exploration as we reach anew into space in the 21st century. Inside, everyone from a questing student to a sci-fi fan, can find out about all aspects of space, from how we use space to deal with global warming to the latest in space tourism. World experts assembled from around the ...

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