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Displaying 91—100 of 1000 matches for query "February_1932" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "februari" found 7427 times in 3729 documents
  • "1932" found 671 times in 140 documents

Article "A Searchlight to Reach the Moon" appears in the New York Times.
Meeting of the American Interplanetary Society is presided by G. Edward Pendray . Attendees include Konrad Schmidt, Alfred Africano , Charles P. Mason , Samuel Lichtenstein, Hugh Franklin Pierce , Nathaniel Schachner , Alvin Powers, William Heyer, Laurence E. Manning , Russell F. Schneider, Richard Welling, Stephen F. Harriss, Nathan Carver and E. Vinagradov.
Issue 22 of Astronautics magazine Astronautics is published. It includes a lengthy article by Willy Ley entitled "The Why of Liquid Propellants for Rockets" and another four page in-depth article by Ley entitled "On Rockets and Their History". It is also reported that a potential launch site had been located in Stockton New Jersey for the launch of the American Interplanetary Society ...
In issue 23 of Astronautics magazine Noel Deisch submits a design for a spacecraft with artificial gravity. An article discusses a device for detecting extra-solar planets. Reports from Germany discusses the successful launch of a rocket by Reinhold Tiling using self deploying wings at 8000 feet. Nikolai Rynin 's multi-volume history of space is finally completed but not available in ...
G. Edward Pendray delivers lecture to the members of the American Interplanetary Society on the progress of the experimental committee's work on their first rocket. The rocket was built by Pendray, David Lasser , Alfred Africano , Nathaniel Schachner , William Lemkin , Alfred Best, Lee Gregory (Pendray), and Hugh Franklin Pierce .
Reinhold Tiling launched a powder rocket to 2600 feet which then descended on a rotor wing to land safely. The launch was at Tempelhof airport in Germany.
Joseph H. Kraus delivers lecture "Liquid Oxygen" to the members of the American Interplanetary Society in New York.
"Wings in the Stratosphere" by William Wenstrom appears in the New York Times.
Robert H. Goddard receives his patent for control vanes which can be used to steer a rocket. Patent 1,879,187.
Reinhold Tiling receives a patent titled "Method of Producing Rockets, Especially for Aeronautic Purposes". His design is for a solid fuel rocket. The same day he receives another patent entitled "Flying Rocket" for his winged descent system for rockets. Patents 1,880,579 and 1,880,586.

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