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Displaying 11—20 of 1000 matches for query "First_Men_in_the_Moon" retrieved in 0.024 sec with these stats:

  • "first" found 21214 times in 8430 documents
  • "men" found 1652 times in 1058 documents
  • "in" found 179422 times in 17737 documents
  • "the" found 506431 times in 20587 documents
  • "moon" found 11511 times in 3952 documents

... FIRST STOP: THE MOON''' by Schroeder, W. ''London, 1959: Whams Press Ltd., 191 pages, $3.00'' General book on space travel, covering history of the concept, missiles, rocket motors, propellants, navigation in space, spaceship design, space medicine, lunar landings, and communication across interstellar space. Extracted from the 1962 Publication ''Annotated Bibliography of ...
... will be living inside the Moon, at least at first. Since there is no atmosphere or magnetic field on the Moon we'll need to put something in the way of cosmic rays and the solar wind. Regolith ... /For%20Kids/KidstoSpace.html Click here Category:Kids To Space Category:Kids To Space - THE MOON
... outlined in this book's companion volume (Project Apollo - The Test Program) the moon landings of the 1960's and 70's would not have been possible without an improbable chain of events culminating in the ... Tranquillity Base and they will recall the names of the heroes who risked their lives to make their species the first in four billion years to venture into the cosmos. In a very, very long list ...
Their first priority will probably be to get you to the nearest safe haven away from whatever adverse situation is looming. That may be the Earth, the nearest planet, the Moon or the ISS. They will definitely anticipate having to evacuate and get you to the ...
Is a motion picture by the Walt Disney Company, directed by animator Ward Kimball and first aired on American television on December 28 1955. It cost $350,000 to produce and was later retitled Tomorrow the Moon and aired in 1959 as a Disney ''Science Special''. It featured footage of a hypothetical trip to the moon and also starred Wernher von Braun .
... astronautics are "The Lunar Dust," "A Volcano on the Moon?," "The Other Side of the Moonin Theory," "The Other Side of the Moonin Fact," "The Journey to the Moon," "The Principles of Interplanetary Flight," "Landing on the Moon," "Mining on the Moon," "Power on the Moon," "Lunar Agriculture," and "Building on the Moon." Extracted from the ...
... will use special spacecraft that are meant to operate only in space to land on the Moon or Mars. We will transfer from the spacecraft that carried us into orbit to these special landers ... provided by David Gump & Gary Hudson Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer Image:9781894959421.jpg '''Buy This ...
Things can only have weight in a gravity field, like on the Earth or on the Moon. The Moon is in the gravitational sphere of influence of the Earth (which is why it is in orbit), but it has its ... direction while walking on the Moon is a bit more difficult than on Earth, as you don't have as much traction with the ground to force a change in your velocity vector. Remember that when you go running down the moonbase corridors The Moon's mass, or amount of matter ...
... be played on the Moon just as on Earth. Because the Moon has no atmosphere many sports will be played under large domes or in large underground structures. If sports are played on the lunar surface ... advances in spacesuit design, just as extreme sports have driven clothing design on Earth. In the vacuum of the Moon bicycles could get up to 150 mph, but would need special tracks designed to minimize the ...
... to one of the greatest triumphs in American history. Tells for the first time the story of the Canadian and British engineers from Avro Canada who played key roles in putting Americans on the Moon and in building today's U.S. space program, including the ...

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