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Displaying 131—140 of 1000 matches for query "January_1944" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "januari" found 5856 times in 2965 documents
  • "1944" found 754 times in 225 documents

Eric Burgess begins regular meetings of the northern branch of CBAS at the Adult Educational Institute.
Life Magazine runs a feature article on the V-1 flying bomb. Attributing its construction to either Wilhelm Goldau or Hermann Oberth.
Dr. Wernher von Braun was arrested by the S.S. for over-concentration on space travel rather than military missile problems. He was later released on the grounds his services were indispensable.
First air-to-air combat, German airman killed by rifle fire from Allied aircraft. In February a machine-gun mounted on a French aircraft, Lieutenant Garros as pilot, first shot down a German aircraft.
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA , after considering high-cost complaints of Army and Navy, recommended creation of Manufacturers Aircraft Association to effect cross-licensing of aeronautic patents. This was a milestone in preventing a virtual deadlock in aircraft construction because of patent infringement suits.
The National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA established Office of Aeronautical Intelligence at the suggestion of the Aircraft Board to collect and distribute scientific and technical data on aeronautics.
The world's first full-scale wind tunnel under construction at Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory (30 feet high, 60 feet wide).
RCA proposed to NDRC design and development of rocket-propelled, radio-controlled aerial torpedo with TV nose, which was given code name "Dragon." The National Bureau of Standards was assigned the task of developing a suitable airframe. ''Le Zombie'' magazine includes a series of short notes about the state of affairs in England for members of the British Interplanetary Society as the war ...
P-38 first placed under study of National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Langley Laboratory to assess flow changes due to compressibility, later transferred to Ames Laboratory. Dive-recovery flap developed later applied to P-17, XP-59, F-80, and FR-1. "Frigitorium" for cold testing aircraft equipment for arctic operations became operational at Wright Field.
Lockheed C-69 Constellation first flown, a successful postwar transport with pressurized cabin.

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