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Displaying 41—50 of 216 matches for query "Weltraum_Fahrt_Jahrgang_1953" retrieved in 0.001 sec with these stats:

  • "weltraum" found 67 times in 29 documents
  • "fahrt" found 36 times in 18 documents
  • "jahrgang" found 8 times in 5 documents
  • "1953" found 702 times in 221 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

New world speed record of 753.4 mph in Douglas XF4D-1 Navy Sky-ray fighter, Lt. Comdr. J. B. Verdin as pilot.
Prototype of North America's B-64 Navaho , a X-10 ramjet guided missile, made its initial flight.
Test pilot Robert O. Rahn, flying a Douglas XF-4D Skyray fighter at Edwards AFB , Muroc, Calif., established a world closed-course speed record of 728.11 mph.
The Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Institute for Flight Structures established at Columbia University for research and graduate training in flight structures, including structures intended for space flight.
Flying a F-190 Super Sabre at Edwards AFB , Calif., Lt. Col. Frank K. Everest , USAF, set a speed record of 755.149 mph.
Prototype Convair F-102A delta-wing fighter first flew, a supersonic fighter featuring the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA "wasp-waist." American Astronautical Society (AAS) founded.
First launching of a Nike-Deacon two-stage rocket for heat transfer studies at National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA Wallops Island.
In a D-558-II (No. 2) which had been launched from a B-29. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics NACA test pilot A. Scott Crossfield established an unofficial speed record of 1,328 mph at Edwards AFB , Calif., the first Mach 2 flight (2.01).
In a Bell X-1A which bad been launched from a B-29, Maj. Charles B. Yeager , USAF, attained a speed of 1,612 mph at Edwards AFB , Calif., about Mach 2.5.
Nike-Ajax battalion deployed on site in Washington-Baltimore area, the first operational surface-to-air missile system in the United States.

Additional database time was 0.032 sec.

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